  • 學位論文


The Implementation of Convention on the Rights of the Child in East Asia: With a Special Focus on State Parties Reports and Concluding Observations

指導教授 : 張文貞


兒童權利是20世紀始有之新穎概念,從1924年《日內瓦兒童權利宣言》、1959年《兒童權利宣言》,到1989年《兒童權利公約》通過並於1990年生效施行後,兒童權利之發展在國際人權法上達到最高峰。而在公約運作20餘年之後,《兒童權利公約》在國家、區域或是世界上的實踐狀況及特徵如何,而締約國與兒童權利委員會的互動審查經驗又能為我國帶來如何之啟發便成為本論文主要想要探討的問題。本論文選定東亞國家,包含南韓、日本、中國以及北韓四者作為研究主軸,蓋其皆根基著共同之儒家文化傳統而可能與《兒童權利公約》在兒童權利之實踐上有不一致之處進而形成衝突,甚至進一步形成公約在東亞之實踐特徵。因此本論文從締約國的國家報告以及委員會對於締約國國家報告所作成之結論性意見出發觀察《兒童權利公約》在東亞締約國之實踐狀況、特徵,並進而檢視我國兒童及少年相關法制。 在進入《兒童權利公約》於東亞締約國之實踐之前,本論文首先就兒童權利於國際人權條約上的發展歷史脈絡、《兒童權利公約》成立之沿革以及內涵作一概述性的介紹,緊接著則是論述兒童權利委員會之制度以及運作,並分析出其在締約國國家報告結論性意見中之建議或一般性意見之解釋對於公約之各項權利具有體系化以及細緻化之意義。 再者,本論文從東亞締約國歷來之國家報告以及兒童權利委員會所作成之結論性意見中,歸納出其共同被關注的議題,以一般執行議題以及實體議題作區分,在一般執行議題中發現「國家政策之協調」、「獨立人權監督機制」、「公約之宣傳與人權培訓」是四國所要面對的共同議題;在實體權利議題中,則觀察出五大共同關注議題,包含「弱勢兒童」、「針對兒童之暴力」、「收養」、「少年司法」以及「表達意見權」;此外,本論文除了觀察東亞四國之共同關注議題,更進一步以國家的發展程度作區分,進一步歸納出不同之兒童個別實體權利議題。而在歸納出東亞締約國之共同關注議題之後,本論文再由東亞共同關注議題出發,歸納出《兒童權利公約》於東亞締約國之實踐特徵。 最後,本論文將視野拉回我國,首先先說明《兒童權利公約》於我國之現狀,再者說明我國兒童及少年人權法制之發展,接著藉由兒童權利委員會對於前述東亞締約國共同關注議題以及個別實體權利議題所作成的結論性意見建議為基礎檢視我國兒童相關法制是否符合兒童權利委員會之期待。


Children’s rights is a novel concept in the twentieth century. From Geneva Declaration of the Rights of the Child in 1924, United Declaration of the Rights of the Child in 1959 to Convention on the Rights of the Child (hereinafter “the Convention”) which was adopted in 1989 and came into force in 1990, the development of children’s rights has peaked among the international human rights laws. Given that the Convention has come into force for more than twenty years, this thesis will focus on the features of the Convention and its implementation, with expectation that the experience of the State Parties and the Committee on the Rights of the Child (hereinafter “the Committee”) shall serve as an inspiration for Taiwan. The comparative study will be conducted in East Asia, which includes Republic of Korea, Japan, China and Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, because these countries and Taiwan share similarity in Confucianism tradition and may be in conflict with the Convention. Accordingly, this thesis will begin with the State Parties Reports submitted by these East Asian countries as well as the concluding observations made by the Committee, in order to analyze the features of the Convention and its implementation in East Asia. Finally, based on such State Parties Reports and the concluding observations, this thesis will examine our domestic legislations concerning children. Firstly, this thesis will introduce the historical development of children’s rights in international human rights treaties, the conclusion of the Convention and its contents. Besides, this thesis will discuss the institution and operations of the Committee and analyze its role in interpreting the Convention. Secondly, by looking into the State Parties Reports and the concluding observations, this thesis concludes the common issues which have drawn much attention. The common issues can be divided into two categories: “General measures of implementation issues” and “Substantial rights issues”. This thesis concludes that the general measures of implementation issues include “National Plan of Action and Coordination”, “Independent monitoring institutions”, and “Dissemination of Convention and Training for professionals”, and the substantial rights issues cover “Minority children”, “Violence toward Children ”, “Adoption”, “Juvenile justice” and “The right of express views”. In addition, this thesis categorizes the State Parties in East Asia by referring to the Human Development Index and concludes separate substantial rights issues. Last but not least, by analyzing the common issues of State Parties in East Asia, this thesis points out the current implementation features of Convention on the rights of the Children in East Asia. The last part of this thesis will explore the legal framework of children’s rights in Taiwan. First of all, it introduces the current status of the Convention in Taiwan. Then, it reviews the development of our domestic legislations concerning children. Finally, by referring to the suggestions on common issues made in the concluding observations provided by the Committee, this thesis examines whether our domestic legislations meet the standard of the Convention.




