  • 學位論文


Solar charging control of Li-battery

指導教授 : 黃秉鈞


本研究旨在探討採鋰電池之獨立型太陽能發電系統之充電技術,先對鋰電池進行系統識別,推導鋰電池動態模型,設計二段式充電控制器,在Phase 1時由太陽電池直接對鋰電池充電,在Phase 2時利用脈波寬度調變(Pulse Width Modulation , PWM)技術做回授控制,將電壓控制在浮充電壓。本研究針對抗干擾能力與鋰電池老化影響來設計控制器,最後將系統直接架設在戶外進行測試。 本研究也探討如何利用混合式儲能裝置提升獨立型太陽能發電系統的發電,根據戶外測試數據顯示,利用電解電容與鋰電池並聯之混合式儲能裝置,在天氣狀態較好的情況下約可提高11%的充電量,每提高1%的充電量大約花費台幣70元。


The research focuses on charging technology of Li-ion battery in stand-alone solar system. A system dynamic model of Li-battery was derived experimentally for control system design. Two-stage charging control was adopted for solar charging. In Phase1, the Li ion battery is charged directly by solar PV. In Phase2, PDF feedback control is used to fix the voltage at floating voltage. The major concern of the feedback control system is the robust properties against disturbance and battery aging. Test results show that the control system works very well. The effect of hybrid storage using electrolytic capacitor with Li battery on the solar charging performance is also studied. The outdoor test results show that the hybrid storage can increase solar charging energy by 11% in clear days. Every 1% increased storage energy costs about 70NTD.




[1] http://web3.moeaboe.gov.tw/ECW/populace/home/Home.aspx?menu_id=798(經濟部能源局網站)
[2] http://www.taipower.com.tw/index.aspx(台灣電力股份有限公司網站)
[3] 駿霆公司,“鋰電池介紹”
[4] Bernhard Schweighofer, Klaus M. Raab, and Georg Brasseur ,“Modeling of High Power Automotive Batteries by the Use of an Automated Test System”, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT, VOL. 52, NO. 4, AUGUST 2003 ,pp.1807-1891.
[5] Min Chen, Student Member, and Gabriel A. Rinc’on-Mora, Senior Member,
