  • 學位論文


A Study on Legal Responsibilities of Occupational Accidents in Civil Engineering and Constructions

指導教授 : 曾惠斌


長期以來,我國營造業之職業災害發生比率,為各行業類別之冠,且職災發生之嚴重程度,亦係各行業類別中最嚴重者。本文希望從職災發生後相關刑事、民事及行政法律責任的觀點出發,就司法實務現況加以整理分析,希望藉由營造職災法律責任之釐清,提升雇主遵守職業安全衛生規範之觀念及誘因。 就刑事法律責任部分,處罰的主體主要是針對「行為人」。實務上就職業災害罪之討論,主要在其行為主體(雇主)之認定依據及多數承攬人時,其刑罰歸責之判斷標準為何。本文整理實務判決之法律見解,釐清法院就上開問題之判斷,並釐清法院就職業災害罪與刑法致死罪競合適用之處理。 就民事法律責任部分,主要可區別為「職災補償責任」與「民事賠償責任」。本論文實務上常出現之爭議,包括職災補償得否適用民法過失相抵規定、補償主體「雇主」之認定、各承攬人連帶補償責任之範圍、侵權行為之「保護他人之法律」及雇主保護義務等,本論文透過整理法院之見解,釐清實務之認定及其具體內涵。 就行政法律責任的部分,對事業單位影響較大的,是重大職業災害發生時常伴隨發生的勒令停工之處分,及違反停工令導致雇主並因此背上刑責之情形。 本論文嘗試就職業災害之法律責任為一完整之介紹,並就法條相關適用要件,整理我國實務見解,祈能就各該法律責任之實質內涵,為清楚之闡釋與釐清,並有助於工程實務對於職業災害法律責任之判斷與風險評估。


The occupational accident of civil engineers and constructions is ranked the highest and the most serious among the industries. This thesis is intended as a whole investigation of legal liabilities arising from the occupational accident by surveying the jurisprudence relating to occupational safety and health regulations. It will be useful to sketch out the topic through three types of legal liabilities: civil, criminal, and administrative liability. In terms of criminal liability, which is based on individual responsibility, firstly, this paper aims at clarifying the standard for determining the attributable employer in the scenario of multiple contractors; secondly, this paper surveys the jurisprudence on the issue of conflict between the Offense of Negligent Manslaughter under the Criminal Code and Offense of Occupational Incident under the Occupational Safety and Health Act. Turning to the civil liability, by inquiring the jurisprudence, this paper focuses on the common controversies between occupational compensation and civil liability for damages, such as the applicability of Comparative Negligence, the determination of “employer” and the scope of joint liability in the scenario of multiple contractors, the concept of “Statutory Provisions Intended for the Protection of Others” under the law of torts, and the notion of Employer’s obligation to protect employee. Last but not least, central to the administrative liability is the stop-work order in accompany with the occupational accidents. The criminal liability arising from the violation against stop-work order would also be discussed in this phase. By offering a whole picture on occupational safety and health regulations, the point I want to strengthen by this thesis is the awareness and incentive for employers to comply such regulations, and to enhance the risk assessment on occupational accidents.


一、 期刊論文:
1. 勞動部職業安全衛生署,(2018),「中華民國106年勞動檢查年報」。
2. 林更盛 (1999),「承攬關係中職業災害案例評釋」,法學叢刊,第174期,頁165-175。
3. 徐婉寧,(2015),「職災補償與損害賠償-以臺日職業災害之雇主責任為中心」,中原財經法學,第34期,頁169-223。
4. 何彥陞 (2016),「職業安全衛生職業災害罪之刑事判決與案例分析」,勞動及職業安全衛生研究季刊,第24卷第1期,頁102-114。
