  • 學位論文


Fast constant-time modular inversion on FPGA

指導教授 : 鄭振牟


由於量子電腦的發明,現行密碼系統越來越趨於不安全,為此美國國家標準暨技術研究院已開始徵求並篩選,致力於制定一套或多套的後量子公鑰密碼系統演算法標準,NTRU Prime 即為其中一篇成功闖進第二回合的密碼系統演算法。本論文將此密碼系統演算法實作在FPGA 上。在其計算過程中,需要一求多項式的模反元素的計算,此計算耗時極長,幾乎佔了整個公鑰產生過程的絕大多數時間,我們也嘗試著利用一輾轉相除法的變形來改善此問題,以達到加速之目的。


Because of the development of the quantum computer, current cryptographic algorithms are getting insecure. The NIST has initiated a process to solicit, evaluate, and standardize one or more quantum-resistant public-key cryptographic algorithms. NTRU Prime is one of the submissions that have advanced into the 2nd round of the project. This thesis implements the algorithm on FPGA. Furthermore, inside the algorithm, the function used to compute the reciprocal of the polynomial cost most of the time in key generation. We try to use the variant of Euclid’s algorithm to optimize the function for accelerating.


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