  • 學位論文


A Comparative Study on Regulatory Approaches of Human Rights Clauses in European Union and the United States Trade Agreements

指導教授 : 張文貞


我國自海峽兩岸經濟合作架構協議(Cross-Straits Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement,簡稱ECFA)之談判開始,是否有必要在貿易協定中納入人權條款一事,在公民社會間引發諸多討論。近期,我國政府更積極尋求與美國、歐盟與日本等理念相近國家,建立雙邊經貿關係。然而,在此等貿易協定中,政策思考上是否亦應納入人權條款?抑或,該人權條款之規範模式應如何進行設計,以因應不同的政策需求?此等重要議題,當前國內學界尚無法給予較明確之政策上指引。 基此,本文從比較研究的角度切入,處理此等議題。其中,歐盟與美國作為在貿易協定中納入人權條款之引領者,成為本文主要的考察與比較對象。具體研究方法上,本文首先爬梳與歸納三種貿易與人權之理論基礎,分別為「相互促進論」、「相互衝突論」及「相互協調論」,以提供後續進行比較與觀察的理論分析視角。繼而,本文從「形成脈絡」、「基礎論辯」、「規範模式」及「實踐評析」等四個面向,切入觀察與比較分析美國與歐盟對外貿易協定中人權條款之規範途徑。藉此,本文試圖釐清不同脈絡下,基於不同的思想基礎,所形成的不同人權條款規範趨勢,在當代實踐上所面臨的不同挑戰及可能之相應解方。 透過前開比較研究,本文發現貿易協定中之人權條款在政策思考上,可以建構出兩種規範途徑之典範,分別為「轉型模式」與「常態模式」。此兩種模式間在規範特徵、功能及其所面臨之挑戰與相應之解方等面向上,皆呈現出截然不同的圖像。希冀透過本文對貿易協定中的兩種人權條款規範途徑典範之建構,得以在未來提供我國決策者進行相關決策時,擁有較為清晰的政策指引。


In Taiwan, whether to include human rights clauses in bilateral trade agreements has been a controversial issue since the negotiation of Cross-Straits Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement (ECFA). The significance of the issue is reinforced nowadays by the Taiwanese government’s intention to negotiate bilateral trade agreements with some like-minded countries, such as the United States (hereinafter “U.S.”), Japan and European Union (hereinafter “E.U.”). Therefore, it is extremely important for policymakers in Taiwan to know how to draft human rights clauses in trade agreements, which are able to serve diverse and adequate functions in different contexts. This thesis addresses the issue through the approach of “comparative study of law for policy purposes”. Since the United States and European Union play leading roles in including human rights clauses in their trade agreements, comparing the regulatory approaches of their respective human rights clauses in trade agreements would be the focus of this study. This thesis firstly divides the theories of “trade and human rights” issue into three categories, “mutual facilitationism”, “mutual contradictionism” and “mutual reconciliationism”, in order to analyze the remaining parts of the thesis from a theoretical perspective. Secondly, the regulatory approaches of human rights clauses in E.U. and U.S. trade agreements are compared and analyzed in the following four dimensions, contexts of their formation, their normative bases, forms of the clauses and comments on their practices. By doing so, the thesis is able to clarify their respective contexts, ideologies and even the challenges confronting them in the contemporary era. Finally, this thesis finds that two theoretical models of human rights clauses in trade agreements can be constructed for different policy purposes, “transitional model” and “ordinary model”. They have totally different characteristics, functions, challenges and solutions. With the construction of these two models, this thesis wishes to provide a clear guideline for the policymakers in Taiwan when drafting human rights clauses in the coming trade agreements.


