  • 學位論文


The Study of Customer Exploration Behavior in Social Media

指導教授 : 林俊昇


發生於一瞬間的顧客品牌協調感,對顧客於社群媒體上的探索行為有至關重要的影響。然而,過去社群媒體行銷相關研究大多著重於探討較為長期的品牌社群媒體經營對顧客行為之影響,或顧客於社群媒體上的按讚、評論及分享等行為,甚少探討品牌如何於短時間內,透過社群媒體內容吸引顧客的目光,並影響其對品牌的探索行為。故本研究旨在建立一觀念性架構,討論品牌如何透過顧客品牌協調感,增強顧客對品牌的情感吸引力及正向態度,進而促使品牌探索行為的產生。 本論文以具有社群媒體使用經驗之消費者為受測對象,透過SurveyCake網路問卷進行調查,以簡單隨機抽樣法回收有效問卷共442份,並採用結構方程式(Structural Equation Modeling)進行統計分析與假說驗證。研究結果發現,顧客品牌協調感與顧客對於品牌的情感吸引力及正向態度均呈現正面的關係,而品牌情感吸引力及品牌正向態度愈高,就愈能促使品牌探索行為的產生。本研究填補了過去鮮少以顧客品牌協調感,探討品牌社群媒體經營之研究缺口,並為品牌如何提升顧客於社群媒體上的探索行為,提供學術與管理上的意涵,以及未來研究方向。


The perception of instant harmony plays an important role in influencing an individual’s exploration behavior in the digital era. However, the extant literature on social media has mainly emphasized the rather long-term effects of online community management on customer behaviors, or customers’ liking, commenting, and sharing activities. Limited research has investigated how brands utilize social media content to appeal to customers in a short browsing time and affect their brand exploration behavior. Therefore, this study establishes a theoretical framework to explore the effects of customer-perceived brand harmony on brand emotional appeal and positive brand attitude, which in turn, affects brand exploration behavior. Survey data was collected from 442 customers who have used social media. The data was then examined through structural equation modeling (SEM). Results show that customer-perceived brand harmony has positive effects on brand emotional appeal and positive brand attitude, which influence brand exploration behavior. This study fills the research gap of utilizing customer-perceived brand harmony in social media management and provide managerial implications for enhancing brand exploration behavior. Limitations and future research directions are then discussed.


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