  • 學位論文


The Effects of Work on Leisure Participation and Leisure Enjoyment

指導教授 : 陳玉華


曾有學者表示未來人們不受工作束縛、可自由參與休閒,但是依照目前的經濟制度與全球化模式,工作者常常主動或被動延長工時,剩餘時間能從事的休閒活動有限;工作者是否享受休閒時的樂趣值得再深入探討。因此本研究欲了解個人工作的類型與限制如何影響非工作時間的休閒參與,以及休閒時的樂趣感受,並試圖驗證解釋工作對休閒影響的兩個假設:後遺假設(spillover hypothesis)或補償假設(compensation hypothesis)在台灣的適用性。本文利用2007年「台灣地區社會變遷基本調查」當中的五期三次「休閒與生活組」資料進行大規模的分析。研究對象設定為25至55歲非農民的工作者,樣本數為986人次。本研究只討論了四種休閒活動:看電視、看書、與朋友聚會、參與體能活動。 研究結果發現,工作的重要性並未降低,工作中的不同面向影響休閒的選擇、行為和樂趣程度。工時、收入對各項活動的參與機會有不同的影響;高階白領與低階白領的休閒參與比其他工作者豐富,藍領工作者次之,服務工作者參與休閒活動的機會相對較少。工作者在勞動市場之位置與資源不同會影響參與休閒的機會,高階白領參與活動時比較不受收入的限制。個人的職業類別並未完全左右個人休閒時的行為,各個職業工作者休閒活動的參與頻率沒有明顯差異;不過工作仍會影響個人休閒時的感受,高階白領與服務工作者藉由休閒獲得工作上缺乏的感受、增添生活的多樣性。因此本研究支持補償假設,後遺假設不成立。


A researcher says that it is a leisure society in the future, by then everyone should be free to leisure. However, the effects of economic system and globalization make workers increase working hours voluntarily or involuntarily. They don’t have a range of wide choice of leisure or participate in leisure in their free time. It is also necessary to understand whether the workers’ leisure enjoyment is affected by their work. This paper discusses how workers’ working type and working constraints affect personal leisure participation in non-work time and the enjoyment in leisure activities. The effects of work on leisure and the relationship between them can be interpreted by two hypotheses, spillover hypothesis and compensatory hypothesis. Many researches support spillover hypothesis or compensatory hypothesis but tests of the hypotheses are rare in Taiwan. The data is nation-wide sampling survey in 2007; it came from Leisure Time, phase 5, wave 3, Taiwan Social Change Survey. The objects of the paper are all workers besides farmers between 25 and 55. The sample is 986 people. Owing to the limit of secondary data, it discusses four leisure activities: watching TV, reading books, getting together with friends and physical activities. The empirical results points out that work would affect leisure and it’s not a leisure society now. The workers’ chance of leisure participation is unequal. The upper white-collar and lower white-collar workers participate in activities more often than others. Comparing to the blue-collar workers, the service workers don’t have more opportunities to participate in leisure activities. The effects of income and working hour on four leisure activities are different. All workers have different resources and economic safety so their chance of leisure is different. The effects of income on leisure participation are least for upper white-collar workers. According to the results of frequency and enjoyment, workers’ occupation doesn’t shape leisure behavior and enjoyment. Workers don’t participate in these activities which are similar or opposite to their occupation more often. Nevertheless, upper white-collar and service workers tend to have more enjoyment from these activities which are opposite to their occupation. The result supports compensatory hypothesis but spillover hypothesis is not confirmed by the research.


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