  • 學位論文

聚焦利基市場的創新商業模式: 以無線區域網路品牌商為例

Research of Business Model Innovation for Niche Market: A Case Study of WLAN Device Company

指導教授 : 謝明慧


近年來,台灣科技產業大都面臨同樣的問題。就是被以技術取勝的國際大廠跟以成本取勝的中國製造商兩面夾殺。在當年幾乎都是清一色以成本優勢取得市場的台灣廠商們,面對市場的變化,老闆們最熱門的話題之一就是「轉型」。 但是,轉型談何容易?放眼望去,市場幾乎毫無立足之地。 本研究嘗試以在產業中找尋競爭性對等點的方式來定義利基市場,透過與第三方公司的互補整合方式,以無線區域網路品牌商為研究個案,探討中小型品牌商面對轉型時,如何找到具利基的市場定位,再藉由此定位調整商業模式,有效率的完成轉型。同時,希望藉此案例研究,提供台灣廠商在面對經營環境改變時,思考企業轉型時的參考。 本研究除了廣泛的收集文獻資料及研究報告外,也對個案公司的沿革、組織文化及管理團隊做了深入的了解。另外,針對個案公司的上中下游廠商及客戶、最終用戶,也做了大量的深入訪談。因此,方能由最終用戶之不同需求,定義出市場區隔。也因為這個定義,才能找出利基市場。 所以,本研究乃是由用戶需求出發,透過市場區隔的手法,定義出利基市場。再透過商業模式調整,發展出公司轉型的策略跟執行方法。 期待本研究的結果能夠提供給其他企業在面對轉型時有不同的思考觀點,試著跳脫出原來製造業以成本優勢為唯一競爭方法的商業模式,可以為台灣科技業有所貢獻。


In recent years, most of the Taiwans’s technology industry company has faced the similar problem. That is to been run down by international big brand with powerful technology and Chinese manufacturers with very low cost competition. For these Taiwan company’s owners, their company almost all grow up by cost efficiency, the one of hottest topic they talk about is Business Transformation. But,how to do?where to transfer?It’s difficult to find another market. So we taking the WLAN brand company as the research case, to study how they can do when a small or middle business company wish to transform. This research tries to define the niche market by looking for POP/POD in the industry, by integrated technology with a third party company to find a excellent position. Then adjust business model to transform business efficiently. And, I hope this case study could provide a worthy reference when Taiwan’s manufacturers thinking about business transformation. In addition to extensively collect literature and research reports, the study also provides an in-depth understanding of the company’s history、organitional culture and management team. In addition, Interview with this compamy’s suppliers, competitors and customers. Therefore, we can defined the market segment by inquiry of different end users. Then to find the niche market. Therefore, this research is based on user inquiry, by the way of market segmentation approach to find the niche market. Then adjust business model to develop the company’s transformation strategy and method. Expected the research could provide another perspective for those companies face the similar problem now, maybe cost competitiveness is not the only way to win.


niche market business model WLAN


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1.Philip Kotler,2010,行銷管理亞洲觀點,華泰文化。
3. Osterwalder. Alexander/ Pigneur. Yves,2015,價值主張年代,天下雜誌。


