  • 學位論文

村上春樹文学における「心の傷」と「癒し」の諸相-『ノルウェイの森』、『海辺のカフカ』、『1Q84 』を中心に-

Forms of cause of antisocial personality and cure in Haruki Murakami’s works,With reference to Norwegian Wood, Kafka on the Shore and 1Q84

指導教授 : 范淑文


所謂「文學作品」指的是作家透過想像力所建構亦或是特定事實經過些許包裝過後所描繪出來的世界。而無論這樣的故事世界觀是否貼近現實的生活,或多或少,都包含了作者對於眼下滾動中的時代的想法。隨著挾帶著過去的時間滾輪無止盡地輾壓、洗鍊,進而感動了不同世代、職業身分、性別的人們並為之所認同。 接著提到文學的作用。或許我們會聽到他人利用文學經典來對遙遠的過去進行考察,透過那些從過去便附有人們同感的作品來了解前人們的種種。然而,就筆者而言,一部作品之所以附有價值乃是因為它能得到大眾的喜愛,進而認同。這是因為作品本身紮紮實實地寫出了讀者們所受到的,生活中的窘境。同時道出了讀者們內心的渴望、需求、所嚮往的心聲並給予啟發,用跳脫自身框架的方式來重新審視自己所在的環境、世界。換句話說,我們可以將這樣一個閱讀・反思・再輸出(重新審視)的過程稱作是一個更新,也就是所謂的「治癒」。 於60年代崛起並活躍至今的文壇暢銷作家村上春樹便是如此。他的作品常被認為具有治癒心靈傷害的效果。若說為什麼的話,首先在他初期的作品中以都市中個人內心喪失感、孤獨感作為主軸支配著故事本身的氛圍。又,在這之後則是跨越了前述的喪失感、孤獨感加入了村上春樹本人對於社會的關懷並著眼於所謂欠落的情感之中。於是,故事中的主角們是如何在小說的進行中達到對於喪失感或是欠落感的治癒這點便顯得更加值得注目了。 為此,本論文主要著眼於村上春樹三個時期的高峰作『挪威的森林』、『海邊的卡夫卡』、『1Q84』。藉由當時的文獻和各方的研究資料來探討村上作品中由淺入深、隨著社會變化不斷加劇於生活中的「傷」以及隨之而來「治癒」的樣貌。


治癒 喪失 欠落 村上春樹


In this article, I focus on a discussion of the effects of antisocial personality recorded in three different periods of Haruki Murakami’s popular works. Each of them include a different cause of Antisocial personality: In the first period, under the background of urban development, young people move to the big city for their job or next stage of studies or escape from their past. However, when they start their new life, they soon realize that even if they lived in the place which is packed with people, they are left feeling lonely and isolated. According to this situation, I claim that the feeling of being depriving and lonely is the element of the cause of antisocial personality in Hauki Murakami’s first period. In the second period, Haruki Murakami adds “omission” , “death” , “violence”, “sex”, “dream” and “subconscious” as the elements and push them to the highest point to represent the distinguishing feature of his new age. In the third period, so far, more complex issues have increased. However, the style of this period was not just fiction anymore; he creates “space-time” to replace “dream” and “subconscious” ,which means that Haruki Murakami deliberately pulls his work way back in to factualism. The article analyzes Haruki Murakami’s popular works in three different periods, which are represented by three novels, “Norwegian Wood”,“Kafka on the Shore”,“1Q84”. Through the literary text and the records, we can find the development and change of the cause of Antisocial personality in the three periods. After that, the conclusion will focus on the process of self-healing, which cures the Antisocial personality of characters in Haruki Murakami’s novel.


1.  村上春樹(2016)『職業としての小説家』新潮社
2.  村上春樹(2012)『夢を見るために毎朝僕は目覚めるのです』文芸春秋
3.  村上春樹(2009)『1Q84 BOOK3』新潮社
4.  村上春樹(2009)『1Q84 BOOK2』新潮社
