  • 學位論文


The study in technology service quality and satisfaction of Profession Construction Management supplier─an example of municipal medical facilities

指導教授 : 荷世平


近年來,國內公立醫療機構為提升醫療品質以滿足醫療需要,正逐年整修現有老舊房舍,並積極擴建醫療大樓提昇競爭力,因公立醫療機構之醫療工程與一般公有建築物之結構與功能需求不同,除講求結構安全外,其醫療空間、動線規劃與生活機能必須以病患需求為優先考量。但公立醫療機構非工程主辦機關,且行政人員大多未具有工程專案背景,無法勝任專案工程之設計圖說審查、施工監造及驗收等專業作業。有鑑於國內公共工程環境日趨複雜且逐漸邁向專業技術管理,故公立醫療機構借重專業營建管理(以下簡稱PCM)廠商之專業技術能力解決現有工程專業人才不足之困境,使發包之工程能有效掌控工期、控制成本、提升品質。但是並非所有PCM廠商之執行功效能如預期的彰顯其功能,究其原因在於PCM廠商與主辦機關之權責關係未能釐清,以及主辦機關與PCM廠商對於契約服務範圍之認知差異等情形,以致PCM廠商執行成效與主辦機關原先期望應有之服務品質有相當落差,導致對PCM廠商提供之服務品質滿意度需重新評價。 本研究將以「機關委託技術服務廠商評選及計費辦法」的四條之一、四之『施工督導與履約管理之諮詢及審查』服務項目及「委託專案管理模式之工程進度及品質管理參考手冊」所列『施工督導與履約管理階段』之工作項目與權責劃分,並歸納有關專案PCM服務績效指標評估與PCM服務滿意度等文獻資料,作為研究調查問卷依據,並進行專家訪談及修正本研究問卷內容後,辦理問卷調查;利用SPSS/Window統計套裝軟體進行各服務項目之差異性與滿意度分析,完整的探討服務品質與業主滿意度的關聯,研提相關之改善建議,主要研究內容:(1) PCM廠商之專業技術能力; (2)瞭解PCM廠商之專業服務品質;(3) PCM廠商與業主之權責關係;(4)對PCM廠商服務品質與滿意度關係。並以實證研究來檢視委託PCM廠商服務品質與滿意度,以及PCM廠商執行現況之成效與缺失,俾利公立醫療機構預研因應措施,以杜絕履約爭議提升行政效率。 藉由本研究成果期提供PCM廠商瞭解履約權責之癥結、造成專業服務品質低落與業主不滿意之原因、及專業技術能力未能符合業主期望等因子,以為借鏡俾利爾後研謀對策與提升專業技術能力及服務品質外,並供公立醫療機構於辦理委託PCM廠商招標時能有效釐清雙方權責及化解雙方爭議,並補強現行契約條款不足之處,期能在完整契約規範架構下充分運用PCM廠商專業技術能力,以發揮其應有之服務品質,俾使PCM廠商之履約執行成效與業主原先期望之服務品質相符合。


Many municipal medical facilities have been expanded recently to meet medical needs of public by renovating old buildings. However, the construction standards of medical facilities are varies comparing to regular buildings. Many requirements must be followed through the construction process to reach the regulation requirements and the buildings must be renovated according to medical care needs. Many government servants do not have architecture background. It is difficult for them to exam or audit a construction implementation plan. Public construction industry has moved to high technology management gradually in Taiwan. Profession Construction Management (PCM) was used in municipal medical facilities to solve any construction management problems, such as lock of manpower, supervision construction schedule, quality assurance, prime cost control, and etc. However, PCM is not the key to all the problems, and that is because the job responsibility can not be clear between PCM companies and their clients; also, the different perception of contracts from both PCM companies and their clients, which led them to reevaluate client satisfaction survey. “Article 4-1-1 Enquiry and examination on the planning and the evaluation of feasibility and 4-1-4 Examination and consultancy relating to the supervision of work and the management of contract performance under Regulations for Selection and Fee Calculation of Technical Services Providers Entrusted by Entities” was applied to as a model to distinguish responsibility between contractors and clients in this study. References were used to create survey questionnaires for the study and SPSS was used as a tool to analyze collected data. This study will aim at analyzing the correlation between municipal medical facility satisfaction results and quality of services provided by PCM, and provides meaningful suggestions to improve the current issues. The three areas looked into are: (a) service items provided by PCM; (b) the services, which are highly value by municipal medical facilities; (c) the correlation between the quality of services and satisfaction provided by PCM. The results of the study will provide PCM a way of discovering causes of dissatisfaction from municipal medical facilities, unclear written responsibility in contracts, and the un-meet needs in order to improve completed describing contracts, and offer better services to meet clients’ requirements in the future.


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