  • 學位論文


Study on the Budget of Quality Control of Construction Projects

指導教授 : 郭斯傑


我國政府業已推動一級品質管制、二級品質保證及三級品質查核之公共工程三級品質管理制度數十載,雖說現行品質管理制度落實度之良窳,業界目前尚無客觀公正量化等評鑑系統給予評比,然而長年相關品質管理研究文獻歷歷反映,承包商應對公共工程品質管理執行多為消極態度及負面回應等差強人意表現。 依歷年相關品質管理研究文獻針對公共工程品質管理落實度與預期水準略有差異,其背後原由,不外乎社會環境劇烈變化要求提升、工程管理組織或品質管理組織系統不健全,故於品質管理制度推動窒礙難行、品質管理組織人力或能力不足,因而無法有效管控次承包商,品質管理文件製作瑣碎冗長耗時…等諸多內部因素與多年來土木工程業深受外在社會環境變動及人民意識提高影響,提高專案執行成本等外部環境因素。 然而追根究柢其根本原因是否為品質管理費用佔專案工程費用百分比過低而導致品質管理落實不彰之虞。 本研究乃以我國行政院頒布之「公共工程施工品質管理作業要點」為基礎,先從頭確認法源根據與法律位階,並以作業要點內針對機關公告金額以上工程之品管費用編列做一追蹤整理。依據公共工程施工品質管理作業要點第十三條規定:『機關辦理公告金額以上工程應於招標文件內,依工程規模及性質編列品管費用。其編列標準以發包施工費之百分之零點六至百分之二為原則。』另以公共工程三級品質管理制度為輔,明確劃分一級承包商其施工品質管制系統其所應執行之工作內容。 於次要章節,本研究收集國內五項大型公共工程,收集案例包含廠房新建工程、橋梁工程、捷運工程等,並針對主辦單位或監造單位於工程合約內編列之品質管理費一式計價百分比比例與工程合約實際執行品質管理支出費用金額進行分析整理。並探討公共工程契約編列之品管費用百分比,是否足以支應承攬廠商一級品質管制成本。 最後,建議工程主辦機關編列合理之品管費用百分比,與工程實際狀況做結合促使廠商做好一級品質管制,提升公共工程品質。


Our government has been publishing Three-level Quality Management System comprised of bottom level - Quality Control, second level - Quality Assurance and the top level - Quality Audit for many decades. However, as what we seen from construction market now are passive manners and negative performance and responses presented by construction sub-contractors. Related performance of Quality system execution taken by construction contractor often could not meet the requirement raised by customer and they are almost hardly satisfying. Furthermore, the root reason shall be focused on the budget control planning of construction projects. According to the Art 13 of Guidelines for performing Quality Management of Public Construciton Works declared: 「Government organizations handle with public construction above announced amount, quality budget shall be planned based on the dimension of construction and listed on tender document. The quality budget shall be planned between 0.6% ~ 2% of contract amount.」 This study introduced the history of Public Construciton Commmission, Executive Yuan and revealed the change of the Art declaring Quality budget percentage. Furthermore, nowadays we also compared many host governmental organizations with the standard of Art 13 of Guidelines for performing Quality Management of Public Construciton Works to see the result of guildeline execution. This study collected 5 cases of domestic public construction including of plant construction, viaduct bridge construction, and mass rapid transportation construction. We performed the comparision between percentage of quality fee announced on construction contract and the exact percentage of quality fee performed by construction contractor, we could realize the differences of budget planning of quality. Furthermore, the reasonable percentage of the Quality control planning of construction projects will be raised for supporting construction sub-contractor. When it comes to the end of this study, an adequate planning of Quality budget of construction projects shall be connected with real construction condition and meet the requirement of projects for improving whole public construction quality performance.


42.95~99 年度政府採購爭議之收案件數,民國100年,公共工程委員會。
