  • 學位論文


Investigation of the Risk Communication and Management for Chemicals in Taiwan by Analytic Hierarchy Process

指導教授 : 駱尚廉


生活中不論食、衣、住、行均離不開化學物質,但產品的組成千變萬化,若於產品生產過程中參雜有毒化學物質,民眾無法辨識的情形下儼然存在危害健康之隱憂,因此,如何安全的生產、選擇和使用,需藉由風險溝通來進行,進而提升企業社會責任以及民眾對化學物質的正確認識。 國內目前之學術研究少有探討化學物質管理風險溝通制度面之議題,因此本本研究以層級分析法探討兩個部分,第一部份為聯合國永續發展目標與我國化學物質管理推動之重要性順序,以及其影響相關之化學物質因素關聯性,探究聯合國永續發展目標在我國化學物質之風險管理其影響性;第二部分探討利害關係人與溝通工具的相對適用性,以利我國化學物質風險溝通與管理。兩者皆可作為我國化學物質管理及風險溝通之參考依據;亦透過不同類型問卷分析結果,探討層級分析法實際應用時可能產生的問題,提供未來我國於化學物質管理之風險溝通時的參考依據。 本研究先藉由層級分析為工具,並以專家問卷發放之方式進行,再搭配Power Choice 及 Excel 等軟體進行分析,研析目標、評估各項要素之權重並探討重要性;之後再將層級分析專家問卷進行分類,探討層級分析法應用時可能產生的問題。 本研究不是以找出最佳方案為目的,而是期望透過層級分析,探討各永續發展目標在不同受訪者主觀看法下的相對重要性。 根據層級分析結果可知,聯合國永續發展目標與我國化學物質管理之推動重要性順序「目標9、14:永續工業、海洋生態保育」層面在學者專家評估可持續性發展目標中認為最為重要,佔整體之35 %,其次依序為「目標3、6:健康和福祉、淨水與衛生」佔29 %、「目標2:消除飢餓」佔24.6 %和永「目標11、12:永續城市、社區責任消費與生產」佔11 %等。前五大影響永續發展目標之細部要素分別為食品安全、潔淨能源、海洋廢棄物減量、綠色科技與工業製程、海洋酸化等。另外,在我國化學物質風險溝通的部分,根據層級分析結果可知,「中央政府與立法機關」在風險溝通中扮演之角色最為重要,佔整體之34.9 %,其次依序為「地方環保局」佔29 %、「學者專家及非政府組織」佔12.8 % 和「媒體與民眾」佔10.4 % ,最後為「運作廠商與化工原料行等同業公會」。當「中央政府與立法機關」欲向下管理進行風險溝通時,公聽會與社群媒體在專家學者之評估最為重要;當評估的議題涉及「學專家及非政府組織」、「運作廠商與化工原料行等同業公會」以及「地方環保局」及「一般民眾與媒體」關係時,則採用社群媒體此溝通工具使這四者利害關係人對於資訊的瞭解較為有效。 在層級分析問題探討方面,可發現研究者與填答者之主觀判斷,對研究之層級架構影響甚微,故本研究建構之我國化學物質管理之風險溝通制度層級架構具良好參考性。藉由研究結果,可作為未來政府單位於化學物質管理風險溝通推動時之分析工具,亦可針對本研究分析出之政策與問題加以強化,並與國際接軌、有效地進行化學物質的風險溝通來促使目標的達成。


Chemicals that affect our health and environment are commonly found exist in our daily lives. However, the composition of products can result in ever-changing. If toxic chemicals are mixed in the production process, there are hidden dangers to health in the case that the people cannot identify them. Therefore, how to safely produce, select and use them, it needs to be carried out through risk communication to enhance corporate social responsibility and people's correct understanding of chemicals. Currently, there are few academic studies in Taiwan that investigate the issue of risk communication and management for chemicals. Therefore, this study explores two parts by Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP). The first part is the importance sequence of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for the risk communication management of chemicals, and the correlation of chemicals related to their influence, and its influence on the correlation of chemicals related factors, to explore the impact of SDGs on the risk management of chemicals in Taiwan. The second part discusses the stakeholders and communication tools for the risk communication and management of chemicals. Both topics be used as reference for risk communication and management of chemicals in Taiwan. The purpose of this study is based on AHP as a tool, and conducted in the form of expert questionnaires. In this study, the importance of each factor will be indicated with AHP, which is conducted by Power Choice and Excel. Next, classify the respondents and discuss the problems in AHP application. According to the AHP results, the "Goal 9: Industry, innovation and infrastructure; Goal 14: Life below water" is considered to be the most important in the evaluation of sustainable development goals by scholars and experts, accounting for 35% of the total. The "Goal 3: Good health and well-being; Goal 6: Clean water and sanitation" accounted for 29%. The "Goal 2: zero hunger" accounted for 24.6% and the "Goal 11: Sustainable cities and communities; Goal 12: Responsible production and consumption" accounted for 11%. The top five factors that affect the sustainable development goals are food safety, clean energy, marine debris reduce, green technology and industrial processes, and ocean acidification. In addition, in the part of the risk communication and management for chemicals, according to the results of the hierarchical analysis, the 'Central government and legislature' acts the most important role in risk communication, accounting for 34.9% of the total. Secondly is the "Department of environmental protection of local government" accounted for 29%. The "Scholar expert and non-governmental organizations" accounted for 12.8%. The "Media and consumers" accounted for 10.4% and the "Vender and trade association of chemicals" accounted for 10%. When the Central government and legislature want to manage risk communication downwards, the evaluation of public hearings and social media is most important in the evaluation of experts and scholars. When the issue of the assessment involves the relationship in the "Department of environmental protection of local government", "Scholar expert and non-governmental organizations", "Vender and trade association of chemicals" and "Media and consumers", the communication tools of the social media used to make the public's understanding of the information more effective. In the aspect of hierarchical analysis, it can be found that the subjective judgment of the researcher and the respondent has few influences on the hierarchical structure of the research. Therefore, this study will be a good reference to build the hierarchical structure of the risk communication of Taiwan’s chemicals management. The result of this study can be used as an analytical tool for government to promote the risk communication and management in the future. The problem identified that need further improvement in this study could be enhanced, and achieve the goal through alignment with international standards and efficient risk communication of chemicals.


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