  • 學位論文


Study on the Rationality of Additional Service Fees for Supervision Services of Open Contracts

指導教授 : 曾惠斌
共同指導教授 : 林國峰(Gwo-Fong Lin)


目前政府機關辦理一般性及例行性之公共工程大都以採用開口契約(或稱預約式契約)方式來執行,此方式可於契約工期及工作範圍內隨時通知廠商進行施工,具高效率與高機動性。政府機關為紓解人力短缺問題及提升監造與工程品質,通常亦將此類開口契約型式之工程委外辦理委託監造技術服務工作,其監造服務履約期限大多約定到全部工程完工及驗收結束為止。 惟有關於監造履約期間所監造之開口契約工程,因故工期展延或逾期,相對之監造廠商履約期間亦因而延長時,其監造服務費該不該一併隨之辦理追加?追加費用如何計算與約定?迄今工程會及各政府機關內部等意見分歧,並無一致之見解,也尚無統一作法或基準。致各政府機關之見解及各自契約之約定均不相同,也因此機關與監造廠商間對於此類相對展延監造履約期限是否得以隨之追加服務費常發生履約爭議情事。 本研究以國內六直轄市為探討對象,就各直轄市目前執行中之開口契約型式之監造契約進行分析整理,並透過案例探討及問卷調查等方式,及以「專案管理概念」等管理策略探討開口契約型式之監造技術服務契約及執行現況之問題點與提出改善建議。最後建立同已有工程會與臺北市政府各訂頒範本之專案契約型式之監造技術服務費追加計算方式,提出一公平合理之開口契約型式之監造技術服務追加監造服務費之計算與契約模式及管控與執行機制,供政府機關與監造廠商於執行時之參考,以維契約雙方之公平性與合理性,並降低履約爭議情事之發生。


The government agencies usually implement open contracts for general and routine public engineering projects. This method, with high efficiency and flexibility, can notify contractors to carry out the construction at any time during the contract period and within the scope of work. Moreover, to relieve the shortage of manpower in government agencies and to improve the quality of construction works, the government agencies usually entrust the open-contract supervision services to private companies. The contract period of the supervision service is usually ended until the completion and acceptance of the whole project. However, the delay or the duration extension of the engineering projects results in the extension of the corresponding open-contract supervision services. Should the supervision service fees be added accordingly? How is the additional fee calculated and agreed? The Public Construction Commission and other government agencies still have different opinions, which cause disputes of additional supervision service fees during the extended service period. This study focused on the open-contract supervision services of six special municipalities in Taiwan. The contracts were collected and analyzed. Furthermore, questionnaires and management strategies such as the concept of project management were employed. Finally, referring to examples from the Public Construction Commission and the Taipei City Government, a fair and rational model to calculate the additional service fees was proposed. The proposed model is expected to be useful to reduce contract disputes between government agencies and contractors.


