  • 學位論文


Human Rights of Criminal Offenders in the Prison System of the People's Republic of China

指導教授 : 陳顯武


「罪犯人權」在中華人民共和國《憲法》所彰顯的價值下,認為罪犯也是人、 且應受基本權保障,這樣的觀念得到了肯認。而「罪犯人權」所彰顯的憲法上地 位不應該因為其「罪犯」的身份而有所剝奪,只能為限制,如是價值的確立隨著 1994 年《監獄法》的具體保障罪犯人權以及2004 年中國把人權尊重寫入《憲法》 後,更應肯定其保障的必要性。然而這是否就代表中國此後於罪犯人權保障一事 上就是呈現無虞的狀態,中國自1949 年建國以來,到1994 之前過去的獄政系統 又有著如何的影響力,等等都有進一步檢視的必要。對此在本論文以「歷史研究 法」與「文獻分析法」的研究方法為出發,透過中國《監獄法》下所呈現出的內 容以及價值,先依序逐步討論「監獄制度」、「罪犯人權」,並用一些中國有簽署、 且於人權保障上具有重要意義的聯合國人權公約作為標準,例《禁止酷刑和其他 殘忍、不人道或有辱人格的待遇或處罰公約》、《經濟、社會和文化權利國際公 約》、《公民權利和政治權利國際公約》等,就「監獄制度」、「罪犯人權」所共同 構成的實際現況做一客觀評估。並且在此同時,本文也適度輔以一些來自中國外 部的觀點與爭議案件,看看他們對1994 年《監獄法》監獄制度下罪犯人權保障 一事又有著如何的論述,期能透過不同的觀點來更全面的了解「罪犯人權」在中 國《監獄法》監獄制度下的實際保障程度為何,而不是僅僅以一全面肯認、全面 否認的觀點來論述、結論之。


Under the provision of "human rights of criminal offenders" in the constitution of the People's Republic of China, criminal offenders are also regarded as human beings and should thus be protected by fundamental rights. Considering their constitutional status, criminal offenders should only be restricted and not be deprived of human rights because of their offenses. The promulgation of the “Prison Law” in 1994, which sets fourth in detail the protection of human rights for criminal offenders, and the Constitution in 2004 with its regard for human rights in general, should be seen as an affirmation of the necessity for human rights. However, whether this means that China has not been a cause for concern regarding the protection of human rights of criminal offenders since then and what kind of impact the former prison system from the founding of the People’s Republic in 1949 to 1994 had on its later development will be further analyzed. This thesis uses historical research and literature review, starting with an analysis of the content and values presented in the Chinese "Prison Law” before discussing the terms “prison system" and "human rights of criminal offenders" further. Several United Nations conventions, which were also signed by China and are of great significance for the protection of human rights, such as “Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment”, International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights”, and “International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights” will be analyzed to make an objective assessment of the current situation. The thesis will also be supplemented by more critical perspectives from foreign v scholars and contentious cases to gain a more comprehensive understanding of their stance on the protection of human rights within the prison system provisioned by the “Prison Law” of 1994. The aim of this thesis is to understand the actual extent of human rights in the Chinese prison system under the “Prison Law” of 1994.


吳奇英(1999),「中共懲治反革命分子之作為初探」,復興崗學報,68 期,93 頁以下。
1、(2005),《2004 中國人權觀察報告》,台北:財團法人臺灣民主基金會。
2、(2007),《2008 中國人權觀察報告》。台北:財團法人臺灣民主基金會。
John W. Garver, “China as Number One”, China Journal, No. 39, January 1998.
