  • 學位論文


Cutting propagation and acidifier effects inrabbiteye blueberries

指導教授 : 李國譚


兔眼藍莓低溫需求量少且能適應台灣平地夏天炎熱且潮濕的氣候,但在台灣的環境與氣候下其繁殖技術與肥培管理尚未有人進行研究。本篇論文目的探討不同季節及取穗部位對兔眼藍莓品種存活率、根部與地上部生長之影響及施肥對兔眼藍莓地上部生長及介質酸鹼值與電導度之影響。   兔眼藍莓於秋季行綠枝扦插於平均根長、枝條數目以及枝條長度部分表現較夏季扦插為佳。2012年春季調查插穗地上部生長量時,秋季扦插第二次生長的枝條數目較多。秋季扦插時以下部插穗枝條長度表現最佳,但取穗部位對插穗地上部總生長量之影響並無顯著差異。不同品種間在發根能力部分均無差異。秋季扦插存活率以‘Tifblue’品種最高,但夏季取穗各品種間均無差異。植株生長勢以‘Blueshower’品種優於其他品種。   施用酸性肥料能使介質酸鹼度下降且電導度值上升。肥料試驗一藍莓植株枝條長度及葉片數不受肥料處理影響。‘Woodard’品種植株之最大枝條長度以施用硫酸銨及硫酸銨加磷酸銨之處理最佳。肥料試驗二不同品種於枝條總長度部分皆以硫酸銨處理最高。


Rabbiteye blueberries have low chilling requirement and adapt to the hot and humid summer of Taiwan’s lowland, but propagation technology and fertilizer management has yet to investigate. The purpose of this thesis is to explore the effect of different seasons and spike parts on survival rate, root and shoot growth of rabbiteye blueberries and the effect of acid fertilizer to shoot growth, medium pH and conductivity of rabbiteye blueberries. semi-hardwood cuttings taken in autumn had greater average root length, shoot number and shoot length than cuttings taken in summer. Shoot numbers of the second flush in autumn cuttings were more than those in summer cutting. Cutting taken from the base of shoots had longer shoot length, had the best performance. The effects of spike parts to shoot growth were no difference. Root ability were no significant difference among cultivars. ‘Tifblue’ had highest rooting rate when cutting was taken in autumn, but there was no difference among cultivars in the summer. Plant growth of ‘Blueshower’ was better than the other cultivars.   The use of acidifier decreased medium pH and increased electrical conductivity In the first fertilizer experiment, the effects of fertilizer to shoot length and leaf numbers of blueberry were no difference. ‘Woodard’ after application of ammonium sulfate and ammonium sulfate plus phosphate processing had maximum shoot length. In the second fertilizer experiment, ammonium sulfate treatments had the highest total shoot length in all tested cultivars.


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