  • 學位論文


Researches of Cutting Propagation of Hibiscus (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis)

指導教授 : 張育森


扶桑花(Hibiscus rosa-sinensis L.)又稱朱槿,為錦葵科(Malvaceae)木槿屬多年生木本花卉,原產中國與東南亞,花期長且花色、花型多變,全世界栽培品種已超過萬種。扶桑花主要以扦插繁殖,但大花與重瓣栽培種發根困難,選穗品質與扦插環境又較不受重視,進而影響插穗後續發育。故本研究探討影響插穗發根之因子,期望能改善扶桑難發根品種的產業問題,並有效提昇扶桑花枝插穗發育品質。 本研究以10品種扶桑花供發根試驗,其中以‘乳斑’扶桑發根速度最快,品質最佳,而‘月光’、‘楓葉’、‘紅球’、‘粉團’、‘諾瑪’、‘玉球’扶桑次之;發根能力較差的則為重瓣種‘金球’扶桑,而大花種的‘美人’扶桑插穗發根與存活品質表現皆最不理想。比較其中7品種扶桑花的生長速度,新梢相對節間生長量以‘乳斑’扶桑最高,其次依序為‘紅球’、‘橙紅’、‘粉團’、‘諾瑪’、‘金球’扶桑,‘美人’扶桑生長速度最慢,葉片相對生長量快慢順序也大致相似。橙紅扶桑單節插穗發根試驗,發根階段數值、發根率與存活率皆以頂梢第2~4節表現較佳,而同一枝條頂梢插穗發根階段數值與根原體發生率則優於基部所取的插穗。在未處理發根劑下,短穗的發根能力優於長穗,根徑卻較細;若處理發根劑則長穗的發根表現比短穗好。此外,將插穗分為長穗、短上(部)穗與短下(部)穗三類型,無發根劑時短上穗的發根速度最快,不定根品質卻以長穗較佳;處理IBA粉劑500 mg/L後,長穗的發根表現最好。比較插穗鮮重對發根的影響,鮮重較重的插穗,插穗莖段乾重較高,不定根較長,單位根乾種也明顯重於輕穗。 扦插季節確實會影響插穗發根的能力與品質。噴霧插床下,夏季扦插‘乳斑’扶桑發根速度最快、單位根乾重也最大;秋季扦插則根數較多。在20/15℃、25/20℃、30/25℃與35/30℃不同日夜溫下扦插‘乳斑’扶桑,25/20℃下扦插發根速度最快,發根數與發根率也最多,但不定根後續發育如根長與根徑,則以30/25℃處理最佳。‘乳斑’扶桑隨著扦插環境溫度越高,根原體發生率、插穗存活率與花芽出現率越低;普通朱槿插穗對環境溫度的反應與‘乳斑’扶桑不同,發根表現大都隨溫度升高而越佳,但高溫反而不利插穗存活。冬季低溫下底部加溫可改善插穗發根能力。隨著底部溫度越高(33℃),普通朱槿的發根階段數值、發根數、發根率與根原體發生率也增加,‘乳斑’扶桑則是在25℃根溫下發根表現較佳,‘橙紅’扶桑表現則與普通朱槿相近。扦插用「粗河沙」與「椰纖」、「真珠石+椰纖」的介質,插穗發根速度與發根數較佳;以「蛭石+真珠石」介質扦插,插穗地上部抽梢率最高,「泥炭土+蛭石」則最不適合扶桑花插穗扦插。 比較發根劑濃度對‘乳斑’插穗發根的影響,隨著IBA處理濃度提高,插穗發根數越多但根徑越細,最適濃度約在2500 mg/L,若超過此濃度則表現恰巧相反。較低濃度(250, 500 mg/L)的NAA液劑處理,插穗發根數隨濃度增加而漸增,但若提高濃度(1000 mg/L)卻會使發根數劇增;而粉劑處理濃度在1000mg/L以下,發根數隨濃度增加而漸增,最適濃度約在800 mg/L。不論液劑或粉劑處理,NAA濃度越高插穗不定根根徑越細。單用2000 mg/L IBA液劑對發根數與根徑最有益,但其與250 mg/L NAA的合劑卻可明顯提高不定根的鮮重。以2000 mg/Kg IBA 粉劑與市售「根毛王」10%液劑處理‘金球’扶桑可提高插穗不定根的表現,且以前者效果較顯著。兩藥劑合劑處理應用在‘橙紅’扶桑長插穗(10~12cm)上發根最快,發根數最多,存活率也最高;短插穗(5~6cm)則以「根毛王」液劑處理發根表現最佳。另外在扦插前去除‘金球’扶桑插穗基部樹皮,可明顯提高發根率,並加速發根。


發根 溫度 發根劑 品種 底部加溫


The hibiscus (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis L.) belongs to the family of Malvaceae, is a woody perennial plant, and flowering is by self-induced. Cultivars with variety of flower color and type of hibiscus are over 10,000. Cutting propagation is the most and major method and also in Taiwan. But there are some problems in propagation of special cultivars and selection of right cutting, which are influenced with rooted cutting growth. Therefore, this present study discussed the factors influenced cutting rooting, and it is expected to resolve these problems in commercial production of hibiscus. The response of cuttings in root formation was determined in 10 cultivars, and different cultivars had different rooting abilities. Hibiscus rosa-sinensis ‘Albo-Strip’ gave the fastest rooting rate and greatest number of roots per cutting, and followed by ‘Moon Glow’, ‘Maple’, ‘Ruby-Plenus’, ‘Birma’, ‘Kermesinoplenus’, ‘Norma’ and ‘Albo-Plenus’, while ‘Flavo-Plenus’ and ‘Fluffy Ruffle’gave the lowest. Determined shoot growth rate in 7 cultivars by inter-node length and leaf number.It showed ‘Albo-Strip’ is the greatest, then followed by ‘Ruby-Plenus’, ‘Birma’, ‘Kermesinoplens’, ‘Norma’, ‘Flavo-Plenus’ and ‘Fluffy Ruffle’ is the fewest. Single-node 2-4 from ‘Birma’ gave the fastest rooting rate, rooting and survival percentage. The cuttings taken from upper shoot also had better rooting percentage and young rooting percentage than the bottom part of shoot. Short cuttings had better rooting abilities when untreated with rooting promoters, while long cuttings treated with rooting promoters had much better abilities. High fresh weight cuttings had much more stem dry weight, and also had longer root length and more root dry weight. The effect of cutting season on root formation and development was better in summer (July to September), but more root number in fall (October to November).At environmental temperature 25/20℃, ‘Albo-Strip’ cuttings had the fastest rooting rate, the greatest number of root, and the highest rooting percentage. And then at 30/25℃, root development(length and diameter) of cuttings were much better. To common hibiscus the higher temperature is better to rooting, but cutting survival percentage would be down when over 30℃. There was the effect on rooting abilities of cuttings with bottom heat in winter. At 25℃ ‘Albo-Strip’ gave the greatest rooting abilities, but to common hibiscus and ‘Birma’, the higher the better. Rough river sand and coconut fiber were the good rooting media to ‘Albo-Strip’ in automatic misting system. But in this case, the popular media—peat mixed perlite is the worst to rooting. Results indicated that the greatest root number and the longest root length were induced by IBA quick-dip and powder-adhering in 2500mg/L , and NAA powder-adhering in 800mg/L. NAA 1000mg/L quick-dip gave the greatest root number among all treatments, but the root diameter was narrowest. Root fresh weight increased treated with combined of quick-dip 2000 mg/L IBA and 250mg/L NAA. ‘Root inducer’ is office-made product, and combined used with IBA 2000 mg/Kg powder gave more effect than single used of two. Bottom girdling of ‘Flavo-Plenus’ cuttings gave the fastest rooting rate and highest rooting ratio than untreated.


rooting cultivars temperature bottom heat root promoters


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