  • 學位論文


The Impact of Industrial Park Installation on Agricultural Land Use Change:A Study on Land Conversion and Impacts of Environment and Society

指導教授 : 陳惠美


土地利用與地表覆蓋變遷(Land use and land cover change, LUCC)是近年全球環境變化和永續發展的重要議題,而工業發展是人為造成土地利用變遷之重要因素。臺灣過去幾十年間總體耕地面積銳減,農地大量變更劃定為工業區,其中不乏從優良農地變更。因應社會變遷,工業區發展政策大致分為四個時期:1960-1970年之獎勵投資政策開始編定工業區與加工出口區、1971-1979年之調整經濟結構開發石化型編定工業區、1980-2000年發展高科技陸續設置科學園區、2001年以後因應永續議題設置環保科技園區與農業生物科技園區發展綠色產業。這些不同類型之工業區,因發展需要差異,造成之土地利用變遷與衝擊可能不同。然而,過去研究多以個案研究方式,探討單一工業區對地方的經營發展與環境影響;鮮少綜合比較不同類型工業區對農地面積與空間型態變化,及其帶來之環境與社會衝擊。因此,本研究主要目的在於探討工業政策對農業土地利用之變遷,包含農地變更為不同類型工業區之面積趨勢、各類工業區對空間型態變化以及帶來各式衝擊之影響。 本研究分為三個階段的研究進行:第一階段研究以政府研究成果資料疊圖,進行總量趨勢分析,探討臺灣歷年農地變更為各類工業區之面積,並分析其中優良農田減少所占比例。第二階段研究以新聞內容分析法進行質性分析,建構不同工業區類型對農地變遷之全貌關係,並探討農地變更為工業區後,對周遭農地利用變遷以及產生的環境與社會衝擊。第三階段根據上一階段研究結果發現,農地變更為工業區後,以編定工業區與科學園區對區外土地利用變遷影響較明顯,並可能引發周邊農地變更為道路、工廠與住宅建地,造成土地破碎化型態改變。因此進一步挑選兩類工業區之個案為研究對象,挑選出中壢工業區與台南科學園區,依據各政策時期以正射影像圖進行景觀指數分析,將土地使用分成農地、其他建地、工廠、道路與水體,以土地使用面積與比例指標來評估周邊土地變遷趨勢,以農地破碎化指標了解農地受到破壞的狀況,並以鄰近距離指數來判斷土地利用類別之空間分布。 研究結果顯示農地轉用為工業區總面積約為1萬3千7百公頃,其中重要農地轉用比例為72%,各政策階段以調整經濟結構階段下農地變更為編定工業區之面積最多;高科技發展階段農地邊更為科學園區之面積次之,不過這兩個階段也發現使經濟成長。然而部分農地變更為工業區後,還可能因為區內土地未妥善利用而有閒置、解編回歸農業使用之情形發生。此外,編定工業區與科學園區開發後會對周邊農地利用產生變化,兩者工業區類型皆使周邊農地面積比例呈現逐年下降趨勢,非農業土地使用面積比例則呈現上升趨勢,使得農地優勢性逐漸下降。一方面,發現中壢工業區主要於開發後約30年間變化趨勢較快,前10年主要因周邊農地重劃與國道建設使農地較多轉作為道路,之後因道路建設吸引建地與工廠增加,產生空間聚集變化,造成周邊農地景觀歷年呈現切割、破碎的狀況。另一方面,發現台南科學園區開發後約10年間因園區聯外道路開發使得周邊農地主要轉作為道路;於2005-2010年間因為產業聚集效益於周邊開發工業區,使農地主要轉作為工廠,其次因周邊開發住宅區轉作為建地,亦造成周邊農地景觀呈現切割、破碎的狀況。最後,工業區帶來之環境衝擊面向結果發現,多數工業區會排放廢水汙染農業灌溉水源,並以編定工業區最為嚴重;科學園區則時因缺水而與農地搶水,迫使農地休耕,進而造成工業區附近農地利用改變。社會衝擊方面,以科學園區開發因住屋需求增加使附近地價飆漲,更以農地漲幅為最高。


Land use and land cover change (LUCC) become a research frontier that delved into topics of global change and sustainable development in recent years. Industrial development is one of the anthropogenic factors contributing to land use change. The area of farmland has reduced rapidly over the last few decades, and a large number of farmland altered into industrial parks, many of which have altered from prime farmland. With social change, the industrial park development policy divided into four periods: Statute for the Encouragement of Investment began to designate the industrial parks and the Export Processing Zone from 1960 to 1970, the restructuring of economy designated the projected industrial park from 1971 to 1979, the development of science and technology designated the Science-based Industrial Park. After 2001, Environmental Science and Technology Park and Agricultural Bio-technology Park were designated with sustainable issues. These different types of industrial parks may affect land use change and impacts. However, in the past, most past studies used case studies to explore the impact of the industrial park on local development and environment instead of comprehensively comparing. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to explore the effects of industrial policy on agricultural land, including the change in the area of agricultural land into different types of industrial parks, the evolution of various industrial parks on spatial temporal dynamics and impacts. The study is divided into three stages. Study one used government research data overlays to analyze the trend of the total area of farmland over the years to various types of industrial parks and analyzes the reduction in prime farmland. Study two conducted a qualitative analysis using the news content analysis method to construct a comprehensive relationship between different types of industrial parks and change in farmland and the environment and social impacts. According to the results of the study two, the impact of the projected industrial park and the the Science-based Industrial Park more obviously on land use change. Therefore, the cases of the two types of industrial parks as the Jhongli Industrial Park and the Tainan Science-based Industrial Park were selected. Based on the policy periods, the orthophoto maps were used for landscape index analysis to divide into farmland, roads, factories, construction land and bodies of water land. Using Land (%) to evaluate the land transition trends, the fragmentation indicators to understand the damaged situation, and the proximity distance index to explore the land use patterns of diffusion. The results showed that the total area of farmland converted to industrial parks was approximately 13700 hectares, of which the proportion of prime farmland conversion was 72%. The farmland was changed to the largest area of industrial parks in the adjustment of economic structure. However, after designating to industrial parks, it may be repeal to agricultural use because of underutilization. In addition, the projected industrial park and the Science-based Industrial Park will result in reducing the proportion of the farmland area year by year, and the proportion of non-agricultural land use area will increase. On the one hand, the Jhongli Industrial Park was changing rapidly mainly in the 30 years. The first 10 years resulted in the conversion of more farmland to road land. The increase in the construction land and factories resulted in changes in spatial aggregation. As a result, the landscape become fragmentation. On the other hand, the Tainan Science Park in the 10 years led to the conversion of farmland into road. The major conversion to industrial land, followed by the construction land, also caused farmland fragmentation. Finally, the environmental impacts brought by the the projected industrial park was found to result in discharging wastewater to agricultural irrigation. The Science-based Industrial Park forcing the farmland to fallow due to lack of water. These also led to land use change. With regard to the social impacts, the Science-based Industrial Park has caused the land prices to increase due to the demand for housing.


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