  • 學位論文


Is Brownfield Redevelopment a Win-Win Approach for Releasing Contaminated Lands in Taiwan? A Brief Discussion on The An-Shun Plant Case

指導教授 : 劉力仁
共同指導教授 : 許正一(Zeng-Yei Hseu)


我國土污法與土污基金仿效美國「超級基金」精神訂定,具有事後補償的精神,其中用以判斷一場址是否遭到污染的依據,全憑單一的污染管制標準而定;雖然法規裡允許特殊個案運用風險評估的方式制定整治目標,然而實務上整治目標仍以污染管制標準為基準,忽視了每片土地的發展背景和用途。導致國內有許多大大小小的污染場址,因技術或資金上的限制,難以整治完善,遭到擱置或廢棄,既無法發揮其應有的土地價值,又為周遭社區帶來健康威脅、失業率上升、人口外移等負面影響。   本文以中石化安順廠污染案為例,訪談相關利害關係人並分析國內外相似案例,認為歐美先進國家盛行的「褐地再利用」可以作為台灣污染土地的新解方,前提是必須先完善現有法規,包含區分不同土地用途的污染管制標準、釐清風險管理計畫完成後的責任歸屬、成立公正獨立的第三方機構來擬定風險管理計畫、和建置透明的風險評估執行機制,並藉由環境教育促進民眾對風險概念的認識,才能真正實踐褐地再利用。   此外,本文也從環境正義的角度,檢視我國環境決策中公民參與的程度,和對褐地再利用的影響。公民參與是褐地再利用不可或缺的環節,甚至是影響成功與否的關鍵,唯有符合在地社區需求的褐地再利用才能事半功倍。


The enactment of “Soil and Groundwater Pollution and Remediation Act” (“the act”) in Taiwan is derived from Superfund, U.S. , and both acts are in the spirit of damage compensation. Though the act has already given exceptional pollution cases the authority to set remediation goals by risk assessment, it is only based on the soil(groundwater) pollution control standard that the act is able to claim whether a land is contaiminated or not, regardless of development backgrounds and land uses might differing from each environmental incident and thus causing varying degrees of pollution. Therefore, there are some pollution sites had failed to be cleaned up and kept contaminated due to insufficient funds or limited remediation technology. Those pollution sites are often left abandoned, idled or underused, which resulting in complex social problems that disadvantage nearby communities a lot, such as increase of unemployment rate, great migration and health issues. This research recognizes “Brownfield redevelopment” a potential solution to release the long-lasting pollution sites and aims to explore the obstacles for implementing brownfield redevelopment through a depth study on the An-Shun plant case by interviewing with stakeholders and comparison of foreign cases. Based on domestic and foreign cases studies in this paper, the prerequisites for practicing brownfield redevelopment in Taiwan include making soil and groundwater pollution control standards vary in land uses, clarifying liabilities after risk management completed, setting up an independent third-party organization to propose risk-managing plans, establishing transparent risk assessment procedures, and enhancing people’s risk concept by environmental education. On the other hand, this research provides an observation on citizen participation during environmental decision-making process, identifies citizen participation as the key to facilitate successful brownfield redevelopment.


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丁牧群(2017年10月27日),〈創紀錄!RCA工傷案 二審加碼判賠486人共7.1億〉。《蘋果日報》,取得網址:https://tw.news.appledaily.com/local/realtime/20171027/1229729/,檢索日期:2018年01月30日。
廖羿雯(2018年8月16日),〈走了5230天等來最後判決卻比二審差很多 RCA工殤案受害員工:無法接受〉。《風傳媒》,取得網址:https://www.storm.mg/article/477907,檢索日期:2019年09月19日。
