  • 學位論文


Environmental Governance of An-Shun Site, China Petrochemical Development Corporation: A Community Citizen's perspective.

指導教授 : 孫同文


人類為了滿足慾望,不斷地開發資源、使用資源,但科技總是落後於人類對資源的慾望,往往造成無可避免的環境污染。台灣在這種脈絡之下,有著「經濟奇蹟」的稱號,卻是埋著環境污染的美麗寶島。 台南中石化安順廠是台灣著名的環境污染案例,這化學製造工廠成立於1938年的日據時代,由日本人所建。其後於1946年轉移至國民黨政府的公營事業,最後於1982年因污染爆發而關廠,但隔年產權轉移至中國石油化學工業開發有限股份公司,近乎半個世紀後,它變成了世界上戴傲辛污染最嚴重的地方。 檢視台灣以往環境治理的模式,社區居民的民眾參與是嚴重的不足,民眾沒有完整的資訊,也沒有參與決策過程,充其量只能說是象徵性的參與,並沒有影響最後決策的能力。本研究以安順場為個案,是希望從社區居民的觀點提供另一個解決問題的方法。 資料來源是問卷的調查,不同程度的個人背景(尤其是教育程度)造成不同程度參與程度的認知,對於污染清除的滿意度也會隨著政府清除政策的堅定程度有所不同。此外,本研究也發現在社區居民不同的參與程度不同的觀點可以對未來的政策提供更適合的方向。本研究也建議更實質的民眾參與應該是台灣較佳環境治理的關鍵因素。


In order to satisfy various desires, human being has to discover and utilize resources unceasingly. However, the advancement of science and technology is seemingly always lag behind human being’s desire for new types of resources, the inevitable results have being the endless environmental pollutions in the world. In the same vein, the so called “economic miracle” development in Taiwan had also left an imprint of serve environmental pollutions on this beautiful island. An-Shun Site, a division of the China Petrochemical Development Corporation, is a famous but under-investigated pollution case in Taiwan. This chemical factory was established in 1938 by a Japanese company during the colonial period, it was later transferred into a public enterprise of Kuomintang government in 1946. The An-Shun Site was closed in 1982 due to the disclosure of pollution, but its properties were merged into the China Petrochemical Development Corporation in the next year. For about half century, it had turned the site and nearby communities into the most Dioxin polluted area in the world. Examining the governance for dealing with environmental pollutions in Taiwan, one critical deficiency is the lack of citizen participation in the process. Citizens have not been fully informed; they have not participated in the decision making process; their involvements have been symbolic at best and have no significant influence on the final decisions. Using the An-Shun Site as the case for study, this research attempts to provide an alternative view of its process and solutions from the perspectives of nearby community citizens. On the basis of data collected from survey questionnaires, it is suggested that different personal backgrounds (particularly education level) have demonstrated different level of participation, and have perceived different level of satisfaction regarding the current decontamination policies committed by the government. Furthermore, the study also shows that different levels of participation among community citizens indicate different perceptions regarding what constitute the proper renovation policies for the site in the future. It is recommended in this research that more and substantial citizen participations ought to be critical for better environmental governance in Taiwan.




