  • 學位論文


Exploring club participants’ learning outcomes of sustainable development education: using Social Innovation Club of National Taiwan University as an example.

指導教授 : 劉奇璋


永續發展是以人類與環境的未來為基礎,強調環境、社會、經濟三個面向之平衡,以嶄新的方式讓人類與環境達到和諧長存。聯合國教科文組織於2005年推動永續發展教育十年,各國開始重視永續發展教育的重要性。目前臺灣與外國永續發展教育實例發現,永續發展教育研究上較注重於學校正式教育中的正式課程安排,鮮少有非正式課程永續發展教育進行探討。因此本研究透過大學社團的永續發展教育,探討大學生永續發展認知、價值、實踐的現況,以及課程後的學習成效,同時探討學習歷程及其學習影響之因子。 本研究是以大學社會創新社之參與者為研究對象,共有33位學生完整參加本次永續發展課程,運用量化的問卷來分析學生的永續發展認知、價值、實踐的現況與學習成效。並使用質化資料來分析分析學生的學習歷程與影響因子,包含課程中觀察省思及課後半結構式訪談。從問卷結果發現最初永續發展認知、價值、實踐的分數不高,但在參與課程後皆有顯著的成長。學習歷程中參與者最初對於永續發展認知不高,卻在課程中表現出積極學習的態度與行為,最終於課程結束後對於永續發展擁有正面的價值與自我成長,並擁有屬於自己的永續發展實踐與人生規劃。訪談也發現了參與者的學習會受到以下因子影響,包含了多元互動團體、領導員特質、學習興趣、責任與成就感。建議未來可以擴大族群的範圍,並嘗試與正式課程合作使永續發展學習更有系統性,讓學生能夠在非正式課程的體系中達到更有效的學習,共同打造永續生活。


Sustainable development (SD) is to meet present needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs, which aims for balancing the human well-being and economic development, whilst ensuring that ecological systems to achieve harmonious coexistence of humans and the. In 2005, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural organization initiate the Decade of Education for Sustainable Development to arouse the attention of Education for Sustainable Development(ESD). Consequently, many countries consider ESD as a crucial policy. However, both domestic and international research on ESD have mainly focused on formal curriculum of ESD, but the informal curriculum is lack of further studies. This study took the Social-Innovation Club in university as subjects. In total 33 students participated in a five-week ESD course. Both quantitative and qualitative methods were used in this study. Semi-structured interviews and participant observations were applied to understand the learning process. Furthermore, to identify the factors that may influence the learning process, questionnaires were used to analyze changes in their knowledge, value, and action regarding ESD. The questionnaire results revealed low knowledge, value, and action scored before the course. After the ESD course, the participants’ learning outcomes increased significantly. In the beginning, they were unfamiliar with the concepts of SD. However, they maintained positive attitudes and values toward the learning topics in sustainability. After finishing the course, they not only acquired SD knowledge but also took action and developed a plan. Moreover, factors of team interaction, leadership characteristics, leaning hobby, and fulfilment affected the students as they learned about SD. For future studies, we recommend increasing the sample size and expand the scope. Moreover, student clubs may cooperate with formal curriculum to make courses more systematic to improve student learning outcomes on SD and create a sustainable world together.


