  • 學位論文


A Study on the Patent Protection of Environmentally Sound Technology

指導教授 : 蔡明誠


隨著環境問題的日益嚴峻,數以億計的人口都受到隨之而來的嚴重後果的影響,災害性氣候現象直接威脅人類的生存與發展。作為改善環境應對氣候變化的重要手段,綠色技術以其節能減排改善環境的作用,能夠幫助人類有效解決環境問題。然而,要使得綠色技術真正發揮其環境效益,一方面我們需要加強對綠色技術的保護來激勵相關領域的研究與資金投入,來保證相應技術能夠不斷湧現,另一方面還需要確保綠色技術能夠得到大規模的推廣與應用而非僅僅停留在技術方案或者實驗中。專利制度作為能夠有效地將技術方案轉換為研究成果的重要渠道,在環境問題日益嚴峻的當下,亦有必要為適應綠色技術保護與擴散的需求來加以適當調整。本文全文共分為七章,整體上從Pre-grant和Post-grant兩個層面的措施出發,對現有的專利制度進行回顧與反思。 本文第一章緒論主要介紹目前環境問題與氣候變化的嚴峻形勢,對綠色技術與專利相關問題的研究背景及研究現狀進行介紹與回顧,並提出本文的基本研究思路與研究方法。本文第二章主要介紹綠色技術的基本概念與發展現況,並闡述目前圍繞綠色技術及其專利與專利法之間所面臨的問題與爭議。本文第三章主要從綠色技術的審查方面出發,分別對綠色技術的加速審查制度以及在專利審查程序中加入“環保性”標準的提議進行介紹與反思。本文第四章主要介紹強制授權制度與綠色技術的移轉問題,首先分析強制授權制度在綠色技術擴散的過程中所能起到的作用,其次介紹強制授權制度中藥物專利的特別規定及其對綠色技術專利強制授權的啟示,最後介紹和反思美國《清潔空氣法》中的強制授權條款及其對綠色技術專利強制授權的參考作用。本文第五章從Paice有限公司訴豐田汽車集團案與武漢晶源“煙氣脫硫”方法專利案兩個案件出發,在回顧案情的基礎上,提出綠色技術專利侵權糾紛中可以以持續性權利金代替禁令的思路及其利弊。本文第六章主要介紹目前有關綠色技術移轉的現有機制,包括綠色技術專利池與公共部門研究成果的開放授權機制,並對相應機制進行反思。最後本文第七章再總結上文的基礎上,提出本文的結論,並對未來研究提出一些建議。 本文認為,促進綠色技術專利的保護與擴散,需要從兩個方面進行思考,在Pre-grant層面,對於綠色技術我們可以採取有利於專利申請人的立場,政策制定上以促進相關綠色技術儘快獲得專利權為取向。而在Post-grant層面,對與綠色技術我們可以採取有利於技術使用人的立場,在保障專利權人合法權益的前提下,政策制定上以促進綠色技術專利的實施和擴散為取向。通過對專利審查制度、強制授權制度、專利侵權救濟制度以及其他輔助制度的調整,為綠色技術的保護與擴散提供制度的保障。


As the environmental problems get increasingly serious, hundreds of millions of people are influenced by the catastrophic consequences that follows. Disastrous climate phenomena are threatening the human survival and development. While as a crucial method to improve the environment, environmentally sound technologies (ESTs) can help the humankind to solve the environmental problems with its effects of energy conservation and environment improving. However, to make the max of its environmental benefits, we, on the one hand, have to strengthen the protection of ESTs to encourage more investment on research to ensure that there will be more new technologies emerging. On the other hand, we have to make sure that such ESTs can be fully applied rather than staying on the blueprints. And as an important way to transfer the technical solutions into commercial products, the patent system has to be modified to accommodate the need for the protection and diffusion of ESTs in the present of serious environmental problems. This article includes 7 chapters starting from pre-grant stage and post-grant stage measures of patent system and attempts to review and re-consider the present patent system. The chapter 1 mainly introduces the critical situation of environmental problems and climate change issues, reviews the background and research status of ESTs and patent’s related issues, and puts forward the basic idea and research methods of this article. The chapter 2 mainly introduces the basic notion of ESTs and its development status. Also, this chapter reveal the problems and dispute concerning on EST patents and patent law. The chapter 3 starts with issues on patent examination, it introduces and reviews the accelerated examination system in several countries and discusses the proposal of introducing the greenness standard into the patentability requirement. The chapter 4 mainly discusses the issues on compulsory licensing and technology transfer. Firstly, this chapter analyzes the effect of compulsory licensing in the diffusion of ESTs, then it introduces the special clauses of pharmaceutical patents’ compulsory licensing and its inspiration on ESTs’. Finally, this chapter reviews the compulsory licensing clause in Clean Air Act of the United States of America and its inspiration. The Chapter 5 starts with introducing two cases, Paice LL.C v. Toyota Corp. and Wuhan Jingyuan flue gas desulfurization method patent case. After reviewing the cases, this chapter poses the idea of using the on-going royalty instead of injunction in the patent infringement dispute of EST patents and discusses its pros and cons. The chapter 6 of this article mainly introduces several mechanisms that can help the transfer of ESTs including Green Patent Pool and the open licensing of technologies from public sectors and discusses such mechanisms. The last chapter concludes the issues discussed above and pose the conclusion of this article with some advices on further research. This article argues that to promote the protection and dissemination of EST patents, we have to think both in pre-grant stage and post-grant stage. In pre-grant stage, we can take the position that in favor of patentees and help the EST patents to be granted more quickly. In post-grant stage, we can take the position that in favor of licensees. Under the premises of ensuring the right of patentees, we can orient our policy to promote the practice and dissemination of EST patents. By modifying the patent examination system, compulsory licensing system, patent infringement relief system, we can hopefully establish a patent system that can promote the protection and dissemination of ESTs.


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