  • 學位論文


The Frame Study of Suicidal Stories --- A Case Study on Peach Gramma of Business Weekly

指導教授 : 林麗雲 陳順孝


《商業周刊》自2003年推動一系列的封面故事「一個台灣.兩個世界」。這一系列的報導探討各種弱勢議題,不但頻頻得獎,還得到評審的青睞。然而《商業周刊》在推出第1021期封面故事〈水蜜桃阿嬤〉探討自殺議題時,卻引起爭議被批評。本研究旨在探討《商業周刊》〈水蜜桃阿嬤〉的報導架構,以期了解自殺新聞要如何報導才適當。 本論文主要採用的研究方法為框架分析法。由於本研究探討的〈水蜜桃阿嬤〉已經是完成的作品,因此,本研究收集此報導進行框架分析,並呈現其高、中、低層次。另外,本研究也運用綜合世界衛生組織自殺報導相關原則以及國內自殺新聞報導七點準則的六項自殺報導寫作原則、批評者的四項論點,以及心理、生理、社會等學術詮釋觀點進行檢視與討論。 研究結果發現,主要分為以下三個部分。一、運用框架理論探討〈水蜜桃阿嬤〉的高、中、低層次。二、以批評者的四項論點檢視此報導的結果。三、運用綜合世界衛生組織自殺報導相關原則以及國內自殺新聞報導七點準則的六項自殺報導寫作原則檢視此報導的結果。 第一、報導不但就高層次的主旨偏重心理層面的自殺原因,在中層次的情節案例中也以心理層面的個案和情節鋪陳為重,而低層次的語言還是依舊以心理層面的敘述為重心。第二、報導印證了批評者以偏概全,及忽略個案所身處的社會結構困境等論點。同時,報導雖然沒有錯誤歸因,且無法印證出過於煽情的論點,卻簡化歸因,且歸因比重嚴重失衡。 第三、報導僅部分遵守六項自殺報導寫作原則。也就是說,報導有以下改善空間:避免將自殺事件及單一原因登於頭版或標題;避免呈現自殺細節;避免簡化及單一化自殺原因;避免刊登出自殺者家屬及親友的名字及照片;提供足夠的心理衛生教育與專業服務資訊,以及適當的在報導描述呈現自殺議題。


Business Weekly released a series of cover stories named One Taiwan.Two Worlds starting from 2003. One Taiwan.Two Worlds is a series of stories discussing different disadvantaged minority group issues. The series not only received many awards, but were also highly praised by the judges. However, when Peach Gramma, a One Taiwan.Two Worlds cover story discussing suicide issues, was published in the Business Weekly 1021st release, the story stimulated many heated debates and was criticized by many people. The main focus of this thesis is to discuss the framework of Peach Gramma and to find out what is a good suicide story. The research method of this thesis is the frame analysis method. Peach Gramma was published in June 18, 2007; therefore, the cover story would be collected in order for its frame analyzation in this thesis. This thesis would also point out the high level, middle level and low level frames of Peach Gramma. On the other hand, this thesis would take the six guidelines of reporting a suicide story as the main reference on how to write a good suicide story. The six guidelines of reporting a suicide story are guidelines that summarize the relating suicide-report guidelines of the World Health Organization and the Taiwan media. This thesis would also discuss about the four critisizations Peach Gramma bear, and the psycological, physical, social viewpoints of previous suicide studies. The research results are divided into the following three main categories. The high level, middle level and low level frames of Peach Gramma based on the frame analysis method. The results of analyzing Peach Gramma based on the four critisizations Peach Gramma bear. And the results of analyzing Peach Gramma based on the six guidelines of reporting a suicide story. First, the high level frame of Peach Gramma focused mainly on psychological suicide reasons as its main theme, the cases and plot of Peach Gramma also focused mainly on psychological suicide cases and plots, and the rhetoric of Peach Gramma also focused mainly on psychological descriptions and narrations. Second, Peach Gramma did lack the plight of the social structure, and it contained generalizations that made error impact on the suicide issue. However, it did not present the story over-sensationaly and its attributions did not contain error statements, though they were simplified and seriously unbalanced. Third, Peach Gramma did not completely stand to the six guidelines of reporting a suicide story. That is to say, Peach Gramma can improve as the following: avoid mentioning suicide events and single suicide reasons on its front page, avoid simplifying and singularing suicide reasons, avoid publishing the names and pictures of the suicide family, avoid mentioning suicide details, present efficient mental health education and professional service information, and present the suicide issue appropriately.


伊珮璐、Mark R. Opp、張芳嘉(2004年6月)。〈中樞CRH之增加調控壓力所誘發之睡眠變化〉,《北市醫學雜誌》,9(2),頁80-86。
