  • 學位論文


Whose viewpoint was “Viewpoint” documenting? Documentaries of Education Reform

指導教授 : 林麗雲 倪炎元


二OO四年起,公共電視台(Taiwan Public Television Service,以下簡稱PTS)新聞部節目-【紀錄觀點】推出【教改系列紀錄片】,挑戰台灣主流教育價值的觀點引發觀眾褒貶互見的討論聲浪。 除了【紀錄觀點】網站上充滿觀眾正反兩極的評價,平面媒體也報導教改系列所引發的負面效應,其中以受訪學校的反彈最受矚目,他們認為該系列紀錄片傷害了學校形象。另一方面,面對外界的爭議,【教改系列紀錄片】製作小組則是對作品充滿信心,早已預期教改系列所拍攝出來的畫面將引起教育界爭議。 為此,公視舉辦「教改系列紀錄片討論會」,邀請製作小組與受訪學校之一-金華國中參加,希望雙方能夠面對面討論爭議。然而,會中製作小組與金華國中代表各執一詞、互不相讓。更令人訝異的是,討論會還意外暴露出公視內部對教改系列的負面評價。 本研究的問題意識在於這是否因為受訪學校、製作小組以及PTS對於「PTS」的「紀錄片」各有不同的詮釋與期待? 因此,本研究逐一探究三方對【教改系列紀錄片】的看法,並進一步了解【教改系列紀錄片】的產製流程,以及分別在【教改系列紀錄片】引發觀眾質疑前後,PTS處理觀眾爭議的態度和機制。本研究訪談對象包括【教改系列紀錄片】受訪學校、基層教師、教育團體、製作小組和PTS新聞部、節目部等。 研究結論回歸本研究主題―【紀錄觀點】究竟紀錄誰的觀點?【教改系列紀錄片】引發觀眾爭議的核心不在於教改觀點是否對錯,反而在於製作此系列紀錄片的公視新聞部對於PTS內部規範「製作人制」各自表述。簡言之,「製作人制」未臻理想,暴露的是公視新聞部,甚至是公視,在節目管理上的問題。


In 2004, a series of controversial documentaries called to challenge Taiwan's mainstream view of education. The series, "Documentaries of Education Reform”, was produced by Taiwan Public Television Service's ("PTS") "Viewpoint", a weekly television program of News Department that shows local documentaries. In addition to positive and negative comments that filled the PTS website, unfavorable criticisms were also found on print media. Among all these responses, reactions from schools interviewed in the documentaries fixed everyone's eyes. They asserted that the documentaries unfairly damaged their reputation. However, the production team of "Documentaries of Education Reform” was still confident in their works and has anticipated those disputes. Therefore, one of the schools and the production team stuck to their own versions in a discussion held by PTS. Further, the discussion also exposed some complaints arising from PTS. The issue of the present study is whether the disagreement is the result of different expectations from the interviewees, the production team of "Documentaries of Education Reform” and PTS? The present study looked into all three parties’ thoughts about "Documentaries of Education Reform”. The present study also explained the production process of “Documentaries of Education Reform”. Further, the present study studied the attitude and mechanism that PTS employed to manage and respond to viewer’s opinions. The research conclusion answers the research issue—whose viewpoint was “Viewpoint” documenting? The core of the controversy that "Documentaries of Education Reform” provoked is not whether the perspective is correct; it is the incoherency of PTS’ “producer system” in News Department. The imperfect of PTS’ “producer system” exposes the News Department’s, and even PTS’ problem in managing programs.


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