  • 學位論文


Revising Social Policy: Reform of Taiwan’s Labor Insurance System

指導教授 : 周嘉辰


民國101年勞工保險財務危機引爆,根據101年9月底的勞保財務精算報告指出,勞保未來50年若要收支平衡,最適費率應為27.84%,但現行(104年)費率卻只有9%(加計就業保險費後為10%),若勞工保險收支狀況仍不變,勞保基金到民國107年就開始入不敷出,116年就會破產。此報告一出引發社會大眾對勞保的信心危機,不少被保險人申請老年退休給付。這次事件使得勞動部開始推動修法,行政院在102年4月25日提交正式修法草案到立法院,但迄今尚未審議通過。 本文以我國102年度之勞工保險條例修正案為例,意圖探討行政部門與勞工、工商團體在修正案中的角色和立場,勞工、工商團體又用哪些方式試圖影響決策?成效又如何?藉著收集新聞稿、修法草案、立法院會議紀錄等以瞭解勞保條例修正的程序,並和勞動部、勞保局官員、勞工團體代表進行訪談,了解不同行動者對於勞工保險修正案的意見和想法?他們用了哪些方式去影響勞工保險修正案?另一方面,臺灣民主化以後社會力量崛起,政府自主性是否不如以往威權時代,尤其勞保被保險人高達九百多萬人,如此龐大的社會力量是否能左右政府決策。 研究發現,政府在修正案中的表現符合Theda Skocpol所言,國家在決策過程中扮演重要角色,行政部門面對勞工團體強大的反彈所做的讓步非常有限,從這點也可以觀察到行政部門確實有自己的想法和意志,儘管行政部門之決定並未得到社會支持,從Nordlinger對國家自主性的分析來看,該修正案所呈現的情勢是國家自主性高但社會支持程度低的「獨立國家」,即便修正案在立法院未能貫徹修法理念,但也不能否認行政部門在此修正案中所展現的意志。反觀勞工團體在決策過程中角色較為被動,只能應邀參加政府舉辦的公聽會辦說明會,或是各自間接透過民意代表陳情。


Labor Insurance financial crisis occurred in 2012. According to the Labor Insurance financial report published in September 2011, labor insurance fund will go bankrupt, the optimum rate should be 27.84% the next 50 years but the current (2015) rate is only 9% (Plus Employment Insurance premiums, totaled 10%). If the rate of Labor insurance premiums remains too low, Labor Insurance Fund won’t make ends meet in 2018, and it will go bankrupt in 2027. The report triggered a public confident crisis for Labor Insurance, many insured apply for retirement payment. The incident made the Ministry of Labor began to amend the law of Labor Insurance. The Executive Yuan submitted a formal revised draft to the Legislative Yuan on April 25, 2013, but the draft has not been approved yet. In this paper, I want to explore the role of government, labor groups and commercial organizations in the amendment of Labor Insurance during 2013. How did they influence the decision-making process? How effective is it? I tried to understand different actors’ ideas by collecting news, the draft law of Labor Insurance, the record of Legislative Yuan, and interviewing with the officials of Ministry of Labor, Bureau of Labor, and representatives of labor groups. How did they influence the Labor Insurance amendment? On the other hand, the rise of social forces after Taiwan's democratization, government autonomy is not as good as in the past, especially the sum of insured of Labor Insurance is more than nine hundred million people. Can such a huge social force influence government decisions? In this study, I found that the government's performance in the amendment meets what Theda Skocpol said, the government played an important role in the decision-making process. Faced with labor groups, the government only made little concession. The government indeed had its own ideas and will despite of that the government did not get social support. According to the national autonomy analysis of Nordlinger, the government presented in this amendment is "independent state ". Even though the amendment failed in the Legislature Yuan, the government still showed its will. In contrast, labor groups were more passive in the decision-making process, they only invited to participate in a public conference held by the government, or petitioned through local legislators.


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