  • 學位論文


Ruminative Response Style and Autobiographical Memory: An Integrative Correlational Model of Depression

指導教授 : 陳淑惠


Nolen-Hoeksema(1991)之憂鬱反應風格理論提出,若個體傾向穩定地採取反芻型反應因應其憂鬱狀態,則將經驗到憂鬱狀態的持續維持或惡化。相關與實驗取向之實徵研究均已充分驗證反芻型反應風格對憂鬱之延長與惡化效果。在此基礎上,後續釵h關於反芻型反應風格作用機制的探討,均指向個人記憶弁鄍i能在反芻型反應風格與憂鬱狀態之間,扮演重要角色。鑑於本地探討類似議題的相關研究有限,可茲使用的本土化研究工具亦不足。因此,本研究目的在於發展合宜之研究工具與程序,藉以釐清反芻型反應風格與自傳式記憶弁鄐岔鶬p性,以及兩者共同預測憂鬱狀態之路徑模式。 本研究共包括四個子研究,研究一以350名大學生為樣本,檢驗本研究所編製的中文反應風格量表之分量表結構與心理計量特性;研究二以158名大學生為樣本,驗證憂鬱反應風格理論,並提供中文反應風格量表之效度基礎;研究三發展文本取向自傳式記憶研究方法,並編製結構化的內容分析工具,以65名大學生為樣本,檢驗自傳式記憶過度概化特性與憂鬱狀態之關聯性;研究四則以94名門診憂鬱患者為研究對象,同時針對反芻型反應風格、過度概化記憶、及患者之憂鬱狀態,以路徑分析探索其互動預測模式。 本研究結果顯示: (1)中文反應風格量表具良好之心理計量特性,為合宜之概念測量工具。 (2)反芻型反應風格與憂鬱症狀及主觀憂鬱心情均呈顯著正向關聯性。 (3)自傳式記憶過度概化程度與憂鬱狀態具顯著正向關聯性。 (4) 反應風格與過度概化記憶共同預測解釋患者憂鬱症狀的總變異量之54.7%,以及主觀憂鬱心情的總變異量之25.1%。 (5)路徑分析結果顯示,反芻型反應風格可直接對患者的憂鬱症狀產生影響,並藉由過度概化記憶的部分中介,進而影響患者的憂鬱症狀。 最後,本研究由注意力資源與情緒記憶系統之角度切入,討論在憂鬱的維持機制中,反芻型反應風格對於個人認知資源與記憶弁鄋漸i能影響。此外,本研究報告亦討論未來可行的研究方向以及研究結果在臨床應用上的意涵。


The Response Style Theory of Depression(Nolen-Hoeksema, 1991)suggests that individuals who respond to their depression with consistently engaging in rumination would exacerbate and prolong their depressive mood and symptoms. Both correlational and experimental studies have empirically verified the role of ruminative response style in the maintenance and exacerbation of depression. Based on extant empirical findings, recent studies have begun to explore the mechanism underlying rumination and its effects on the development of depression. Growing evidences suggest personal memory plays a critical role in the link between ruminative response style and depression. Yet, research of this line is to be done and relevant research tool is to be developed in Taiwan. Hence, the aim of this study is to develop essential research tool and appropriate methodology to investigate ruminative responses of depression. Moreover, the present study will further investigate the association between autobiographical memory and ruminative response style as well as their predictive ability for depression. The present thesis consists of four studies. Study 1 examined the psychometric properties of the Chinese version of the Response Style Questionnaire (CRSQ) by using a sample of 350 undergraduate students. Study 2 examined the Response Style Theory of Depression by using a sample of 158 undergraduate students and provided validity evidence for the CRSQ. In Study 3, the author devised a modified context-based autobiographical memory task and a structured rating scale to encode memory content for further quantitative analyses. An examination of the association of overgeneral autobiographical memory with current depressive mood and symptoms was then conducted with a sample of 65 undergraduate students. In Study 4, the sample consisted of 94 depressive outpatients recruited from the department of psychiatry of a medical center. We examined the relationship among ruminative response style, overgeneral autobiographical memory, and current depressive symptoms and mood. Furthermore, we investigated the integrative correlational model of rumination, overgeneral memory and depression by path analysis. Results revealed that: 1.The Chinese Version of Response Style Questionnaire yielded adequate and satisfactory psychometric properties, supporting itself as a useful measurement of response style of depression. 2.Ruminative response style significantly and positively correlated with depressive symptoms and current depressive mood. 3.Overgeneral autobiographical memory significantly and positively correlated with depressive symptoms. 4.Ruminative response style and overgeneral memory together accounted for 54.7% of the total variances in patients’ depressive symptoms and 25.1% of the total variances in patients’ current depressive mood. 5.Path analysis showed that ruminative response style affected patients’ depressive symptoms directly and was partially mediated by overgeneral memory. Based on the findings, further discussion was provided to centre around the potential effects of ruminative response style on individual’s cognitive resources and memory function specifically in maintenance and exacerbation of depression. Clinical applications as well as future directions were also addressed.


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