  • 學位論文


Research on the life-cycle costs of gymnasiums - A case study on the gymnasiums of National Taiwan University

指導教授 : 郭斯傑


國內教育制度強調五育並重,體育館是學校教育不可缺少之特殊建築物。校園體育館除提供師生教學場所、運動空間外,更具備社區居民互動使用之功能,屬校園中高使用率建築物之ㄧ。校園中館舍眾多,因使用類型的不同,其維護預算的規劃亦有所差異,由於管理者對建築物生命週期成本特性之陌生及缺乏數據參考,經常面臨「維護預算如何有效編列運用」之難題。建築物之維護預算依一般經驗編列時,常忽略特殊建築之維護特性與需求,容易造成維護預算編列不足、運用不適當或分配不均等問題。 本研究對象為國立台灣大學舊體育館(屋齡43年)、室外游泳池(屋齡35年)及新體育館(屋齡3年)。透過歷史資料之蒐集、整理、統計與分析,輔以專家訪談、現地調查之方式,探索出類似規模與用途之大學體育館生命週期成本之分佈、比率與趨勢,找出設備維護的重要項目。生命週期成本之研究成果,提供學校營繕人員瞭解體育館建築各階段成本特性,以及營運階段之維護管理重點,俾利維護預算之有效運用。 本研究發現,生命週期各階段成本折現為同一時期之幣值做比較,期初成本約佔全生命週期之一半。室外游泳池之每年單位面積例行性維護費用達到135.8(元/m2,年),新體育館為81.3(元/m2,年),舊體育館僅6.8(元/m2,年)。屋頂修繕、內部裝修為體育館主要修繕項目,室外游泳池以內部裝修、衛生設備為其主要修繕項目。


A gymnasium is one of the most important buildings on campus. It provides activity space for exercise and educational use. Besides, it serves as a vehicle to facilitate the interaction among local people. Thus, compared with other buildings on campus, the frequency of using gymnasium is relatively high. For different types of the school buildings, there are different ways to make the maintenance budget plans. Due to the lack of the knowledge of the building life-cycle cost (LCC) characteristics, facilities managers often face the problem “how to make the maintenance budget plans in an efficient way”. When the plans of building maintenance budget are based on general circumstances, managers often ignore the maintenance characteristics and demands. This often results in the shortage of budget or inappropriate budget allocation. This research takes the three gymnasiums in the National Taiwan University for case study, including the old gymnasium (building age: 43), outdoor swimming pool (building age: 35) and the new gymnasium (building age: 3). Through the collection and analysis of historical data, interviews with experts and field investigations, the research demonstrates the LCC distributions, ratios and trends of gymnasiums in universities. In addition, the research also points out the key items for facility maintenance. The research shows that initial cost usually accounts for 50% of the total cost of the building’s LCC when all costs are taken into account under the same currency value. The regular maintenance cost per unit area in the outdoor swimming pool is NTD$135.8 a year (per square meter), NTD$81.3 for the new gymnasium, and NTD$6.8 for the old gymnasium. The repair and maintenance of roof and internal decoration are the key items for the old gymnasium while the repair and maintenance of internal decoration and sanitation facilities are the key items for the swimming pool.


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