  • 學位論文


Study on Integration of Building Information Modeling (BIM) and Taiwan Green Building Standards - Taking Building Envelope for Example

指導教授 : 陳柏翰


全球氣候變遷劇烈,世界各國無不費盡心思構思解決對策,如何降低對環境的衝擊是一可能的思考方向,而綠建築則是實現這個構想的可行方式。 對此,各國紛紛設計了各自的綠建築規範.然而,要通過綠建築指標,必須進行繁複的參數計算,且成本效益無法立即得知,因此,為了改進設計流程上的效率,本研究以BIM(Building Information Modeling)儲存大量建築資訊的特性,結合台灣綠建築指標-新建建築物(EEWH-NC),自動化擷取指標計算所需之建築參數(如各物件之座標與屬性)並進行資料的轉換與整理以進行規範中之建築外殼耗能ENVLOAD計算,並即時(real-time)顯示於本系統開發之整合介面,經實際案例驗證後誤差率皆小於5%,因此證明本研究之研發成果,在操作限制範圍內使用是可受信賴的,操作者能依據參數的數值進行設計上的調整,以達到指標之要求,進而解省計算時間,將時間留給構思更佳的設計。未來研究方向則可朝計算更複雜之建築模型,以及將更多不同之介面整合至單一介面兩大方向,增加BIM應用之廣度,吸引更多單位採用導入BIM。


The world climate has changed dramatically within these decades. Many countries around the world are now trying to find out possible ways to reduce environmental impact, and have established their own environmental regulations. In construction field, green building is considered a practical technology to achieve this goal. However, it takes a lot of time and effort to qualify for green building standard due to dealing with massive parameter calculation, and the energy-saving efficiency can't be straightly calculated, either. In order to improve this difficulty, the study integrates BIM (Building Information Modeling) with its comprehensive building information and Taiwan's green building standard (EEWH-NC) to conduct information transferring and energy consumption calculation of building envelope (ENVLOAD). The result will be directly shown on the developed interface, and case study verifies it's within 5% margin of error. With this integration system developed in this study, the designer can save a lot of time and think about better building design. In the future, the integration can work with more complex building design, attracting more potential users using BIM and make the most of its building information.


BIM green building ENVLOAD Automation


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