  • 學位論文


Erection all risks insurance of High-Tech Factory

指導教授 : 郭斯傑
共同指導教授 : 張陸滿


台灣高科技廠房無論規模與數量均領先世界,且為台灣重要經濟產業。由於其安裝工程常需投入巨額資金,因此需透過保險控管其施工風險。但因相關工程保險研究不多,且業主對於自負額與保險條文了解有限,將影響其保障權益。 由工程保險協進會提供1998至2007年,共計2,121件安裝工程保單中,總保額492,208,646,642元、總保費1,119,806,369元、平均保險費率約0.2%、總出險數158件,理賠件數比例為49%,而理賠額共348,548,727元,已達整體災損值380,471,776元之92%。而由本研究計算理賠率為31%,遠小於財產保險費率結構表之工程險預期損失率為總保費60.3%的情形而言,本研究認為,高科技廠房安裝工程保險應仍有調降保費與調整自負額的空間。 本論文除分析保額、費率等保險市場情況,並首創國內近十年高科技廠房安裝工程保險之出險事故分析。出險原因中,損額較高與出險次數較多的主要風險因子為:「火災」、「疏忽」、「人為錯誤」、「碰撞」、「技術不良」、「地震」等。而以保額十億做為分類標準的結果則顯示,不同工程規模,出險頻率較高因素相似,惟損額較高之因素相異。另一方面,單次損失一千萬以上事故全屬非天災。天災中僅有「地震」一項出險頻率較高,但其所造成的災損金額,仍明顯少於非天災類事故。整體平均災損額約為四百餘萬。而天災平均損失四十餘萬、非天災事故平均損失五百餘萬。相較於C保險公司保單所統計的平均自負額值、理賠件數與理賠額比例後,本研究認為非天災自負額未有設定過高情形,但天災自負額的設定,則使被保險人承擔多數風險。 本研究另以高科技廠房安裝工程特性對附加條款與特約條款進行分析。同時,將規範條件嚴格、影響被保險人權益較大、內容具爭議、保障效益較低的條款進行彙整。包括「206 消防特約條款」、「高科技產業消防設備條款」、「設備修復條款」、「002 加保交互責任附加條款」、「006 加保加班、趕工及加急運費附加條款」、「004 加保擴大保固保險附加條款」...等。 最後本研究提出相關建議:被保險人應盡量移轉天然巨災風險,自行負擔一般天災風險。以及業主應嚴加審視保單條款限制,對相關條款內容進行調整,如此方能合理保障被保險人安裝工程風險。


Regarding the overall production of the Taiwan Science Park in 2004, the total revenue reached NT$1,085 billion. In fact, Taiwan’s High-Tech industry has played a crucial role in this field. It makes a large investment in the high-tech industries, and it will continue to face fierce competition on different fronts. Besides, with the characteristics of short-life cycle, high complexity and changeable technology, the risk management is an essential issue for erection projects. Therefore, the All risk Insurance (EAR) is a widely applied risk-transfer approach in the erection industry. However, the insurant may not comprehend the deductibles and the article of the insurance program which would effect the coverage of risk premium. The data source is from Engineering Insurance Association(EIA) (1998 to 2007). There are total 2,121 cases. The amount of accident record is 158, and the average rate is approximately 0.2%. This research first analysis the insured situation, then obtain the following result, ” The higher items of the total damage loss are “ Fire,” “Negligence, or error,” “Unknown cause,” and the higher frequency items are “Negligence, or error,” “Fire,” “Collision,” “Unknown cause.” The whole average loss is about 4 million N.T., the average loss of natural calamity is about 200,000 N.T., and the other average damage loss is about 5 million N.T.. On the other hand , this research makes discussion on the accessional articles and the special provisions, through the expert interview and the literature review. This research also classifies and reorganizes the common clauses for several types, like the strict clause, the controversial clause, and the feckless clause, such as “206 fire fighting provisions,” “FIRE FIGHTING FACILITIES FOR HIGH-TECH INDUSTRY,” “RESTORATION OF EQUIPMENT CLAUSE,” “002 co-insurance interactive responsibility additional article,” “006 working overtime, rushing and the urgent transport expense additional article,” “004 expansions guarantees against damage the insurance additional article,” and so on. Finally, this research gives suggestions for proprietors of High-Tech industries . On the aspect of natural calamity, the insurant should transfer the catastrophe risk to the insurer, while accepting the general risk. In addition, the insurant also needs to negotiate with the insurer about the clause for benefiting the insurant completely and effectively.


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