  • 學位論文


Study of Insurance Arrangement in High-Tech Industry

指導教授 : 林博文博士


高科技產業屢遭祝融肆虐,讓業者與國內外保險市場深受衝擊,加上該產業對於我國經濟的高度貢獻,此意謂當高科技產業面臨經營風險時,台灣經濟成長可能遭受嚴重衝擊,保險業也可能因承保該產業而出現經營危機。 由於國內外(再)保險市場歷經數場大浩劫,導致保險市場之承保容量大幅萎縮,因此,若高科技產業一直不思考改善風險品質,龐大財產價值僅想依賴(再)保險市場之災後財源支撐,相信再過不久,兩敗俱傷之情況將會成真,即保險市場因為無法負荷高額賠償金額而喪失清償能力;高科技產業也受保險公司無法提供充足財源之牽連而延宕災後復原進度,最後被迫退出競爭市場,此局面乃大家所不願預見,於是,「事前防範取代事後彌補」呼聲漸起,並且配合產業特性之損害防阻機制以及風險管理方法,以達到最具經濟效益之風險分散成本,確實降低企業之損失幅度與損失頻率,此議題引發本文研究動機,究竟高科技產業鉅額之資產價值,保險業界應當如何規劃與協助才能真正契合產業最迫切的需求。 本文以個案研究方式,針對高科技產業某廠商的保險安排流程,透過檢視相關財產保險單與專訪保險公司內部高科技產業之專案人員為主,另以相關文獻整理分析為輔助。藉由專案人員之現身解說,從整體保險規劃過程:實地查勘、核保、再保險、理賠、損害防阻等步驟去發掘高科技產業的潛在風險管理之缺失。 結果發現高科技產業對於風險管理與損害防阻機制之落實程度仍有待加強,除建議確實執行風險管理體制以及損害防阻之軟硬體系統建構為主,其真正落實之關鍵點係「企業文化對於風險之認知與態度」,因此保險公司除規劃適宜的保險計畫,同時提供相關之專業諮詢與訓練教育,強調落實損害防阻機制必須由上而下貫徹實行。對於產險業而言,因為提昇保險商品之附加價值,並透過直接改善風險品質與邊際業務可保化之策略,為產險業間接打造良質競爭環境,最後成就企業與保險業永續經營的雙贏結果。


The high technologies industry at Taiwan suffers from the fire wreck havoc frequently. It keeps the insurances industry suffer from an intense impact on its domestic and foreign insurances market. The high technologies industry offer great contribution to our economy growth, which means when the high technologies industry faced the management risk, the Taiwan economy growth rate may suffers seriously. The insurance industry may also out of business due to they are inquired to insure this high technology industry. Because of the domestic and foreign (reinsurers) insurance market have been encountered several big catastrophes, causes the insurance market faded largely, therefore; if the high technology industry does not improve the quality of risk management, the huge property value of them will disappear if only relies on (reinsurers) insures companies. Even the high technology industry can receives the sufficient sources of wealth from the insurance company to provide the sufficient source of wealth to recover from the disaster, finally be compelled and withdraw from the competitive market, this aspects should not our final target, there upon, "guarded against the substitution afterwards to make up the call in anticipation" gradually to get up, and cooperate with industry characteristic to use loss control mechanism the risk management method, to most had risk of disperser cost the economic efficiency, truly reduced loss scope and the loss frequency the enterprise, research motive this subject initiation this article, actually high tech industry so large amount property value, did the insurers have how to plan and the assistance match with the industrial most urgent demand. This article, by case study, in view of a company of the high technology industry in the way of insurance flow, the use inspect the correlation property insurance policy and of personnel examining a case the interview insurance company interior high tech industry primarily, in addition, take the related connection to the literature reorganization analysis as the assistance. The affiliation personally shows the whole insurance plan process by the personnel examining a case: Really surveys, underwriting, reinsurance, clime, loss control and so on to dig out the high technology industry flaw of the risk management. The result of this essay discovered the high technology industry administer shall has to reinforce the loss control and the risk management. The suggestion to carry out the risk management system and the loss control the anti-soft hardware was the integrated construction primarily, key of the its true realization “enterprise culture of recognition and attitude of risk management”, therefore the insurance company eliminated the insurance plan which the plan was suitable, also provided consultation and the training education of the correlation, emphasized the realization of loss control mechanism is the key implementation through all employees. Regarding the real property of insurance is to increase the add-on value of insurance commodity and the penetration of the improvement of risk management through marginal service and comes out the win-win situation for the insurance company and its clients.


insurance plan loss control service


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7.行政院金融監督管理委員會 保險局 www.ib.gov.tw
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