  • 學位論文


The Integration of GIS into Geography Instruction to Enhance High School Students’ Spatial Thinking Ability

指導教授 : 賴進貴


空間思考所培育的空間素養被視為和閱讀、數學、科學並重的現代公民四大基本素養,是未來地理教育核心所在也是生活必要的能力。地理資訊系統被認為是一套適合提升學生空間思考能力的工具,近年來國內也不斷推廣將其融入在高中地理教學中。空間思考是國際間關注的重要地理議題,而國內相關研究相對較少,西方研究探討學生空間思考的研究多針對大學生,其中不乏空間思考與地理資訊系統關係的先驗研究,但多因樣本數不足及其他實驗限制而難以繼續,台灣為全世界少數擁有高教學時數且完整地理教學架構的國家,因此在國內探討此議題有其價值。本研究欲從現有地理課程中探索出適合以空間思考元素解析地理概念的單元,藉由分析現有教科書與訪談中學地理老師,了解教材內容與現有教學方式,進而改善編製成新教材,輔以Google Earth合組教學模組進行準教學實驗,比較以空間思考元素融入地理概念的教材及教學方式與傳統教學,對於學生空間思考能力的強化是否有差異,最後利用質性訪談方式,探討學生對於新教學方式與教材的看法。本研究主要結論有三點:1.現有高中教材中已涵蓋許多空間思考概念,但缺乏有系統性的整理與教材;2.學生經過GIS融入空間思考教材教學在繪圖題上表現,明顯比使用傳統教學的學生進步,顯示學生在呈現工具上展現較好的空間思考能力;3.研究結果雖和先驗研究相同,但本研究在台灣具升學壓力環境的文化下更具意義。


Spatial literacy, or the ability of spatial thinking, has been considered as an important literacy for citizens in modern society and also the core issue of geography education. When it comes to the method to enhance students’ spatial thinking ability, GIS (Geographic Information System) has been recognized as a suitable tool and increasingly adopted in high school geography course. In Taiwan, although a few studies have been conducted about spatial thinking, they mainly focused on students in colleges or universities instead of high schools. Some other studies were made about relationship between spatial thinking and GIS, but the number of student samples in such research were limited. Accordingly, this research aims to discuss the challenges and opportunities to enhance spatial thinking ability in high school education in Taiwan. First, this research examined how the existing geography textbooks introduced spatial concepts in high school. Secondly, interviews were made with high school geography teachers regarding how they used the current textbooks to teach spatial thinking in classes. Based on the analysis above, this research further developed a teaching experiment by creating new teaching material that integrated GIS tools. Finally, this research interviewed the students to understand the pros and cons of the new teaching module. The main research findings were as follows: 1.The existing textbooks have introduced a lot of concepts about spatial thinking, but a systematic teaching module was lacking. 2. After using the new teaching material with GIS tools, students’ performances in graphic test were significantly improved. 3. Although the above-mentioned results are similar to previous research abroad, this research contributed to a better understanding about the possibilities to increase students’ learning about spatial thinking in Taiwan particularly under the condition to cope with the stress of the College Entrance Exam.


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