  • 學位論文


A Salvation Thought during the Sino-Japanese War: The Cultural Transformation Statement of Zhanguo School

指導教授 : 王遠義


近代中國知識份子的諸多救亡思想提案中,抗戰時期的「戰國策派」歷時甚短,思想卻頗為獨樹一格;然而他們的思想卻長期被視為法西斯主義、替國民黨服務,目前雖已有不少平反文章,但仍處於有待深入研究的境地。本文試圖重新整理戰國策派的核心刊物,進而分析戰國策派提倡的思想概念、思想來源、提倡動機和侷限性;另一方面,戰國策派所引起的爭論和質疑亦為本文試圖處理的要點,究竟戰國策派所提倡的論點是否存在令人誤解之處、反對者所持言論的理據,甚至引發事件本身的意義皆須放在抗戰中國的脈絡給予解釋。 本文除去「緒論」和「結論」共分為四章。為了當前抗戰必須勝利的訴求,戰國策派以「戰國時代」作為前提,提倡政治現實主義和尚力主張為基礎的「大政治觀」,試圖排除左右傾的政治意識型態,並且就此延伸出符應大政治的新價值觀。為了解釋中國何以如此,戰國策派以文化型態史觀的分期階段說提出歷史演繹理論,不僅指出中國歷史發展積累的弊病,也試圖指向西洋與中國未來的命運發展。戰國策派認為中國文化精神必須加以改造轉化,同時也察覺五四運動的不足之處,因此藉由「力人」、「英雄崇拜」、「民族文學運動」等概念提倡,期望能激發民族活力,將力量重新整合於同一旗幟之下。 然而戰國策派雖主張「非左非右」的途徑,卻無可避免的捲入思想提案的勢力角逐之中。不少左翼文人揭開對戰國策派的批判,可謂察覺到戰國策派思想的敵對成分,單方面批判也反應左翼的認知方式和採取策略。


The Zhanguo School, which born in the 1940s, was short-lived but had some impressive point of view. In the past, their thoughts were regarded as fascism and ideology of Kuomintang; however, some articles try to rehabilitate currently. The aims of this study are trying to organize and analyze the writings of Zhanguo School. On the other hand, the study also focuses on the controversies which they caused.The thesis is composed of four chapters, except for an introduction and conclusion. First, for the victory of war, the political thoughts of Zhanguo School included the hypothesis of “Zhanguo Age”, and “High Politics”, which was based on both political realism and power politics. The political thought also accompanied a brand-new value system. Second, The Zhanguo School used the historical theory, cultural morphology, to explain the Chinese history, the means of problems solving, and the future of China and the West. The Zhanguo School considered that the Chinese cultural spirit had to be transformed; in addition, they founded the deficiency of May-Forth Movement. Consequently, they advocated the conception of “power man”, “the hero worship”, and “the movement of national literature”. They hoped to motivate the vitality of the nation, and then to integrate different powers into the same end. But the Zhanguo School can’t avoid involving in the conflicts of ideologies. The leftists criticized the thought of Zhanguo School because they were aware that the thought was antagonistic. According to the critiques, it reflected the understanding and strategies of the leftists.


Carlyle, Thomas, ed. by P. C. Parr. Carlyle's lectures on heroes, hero worship and the heroic in history. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1925.中譯本:李約翰譯,《英雄與英雄崇拜》,臺北:阿爾泰,1978。


