  • 學位論文


A FPGA-based EIS system for corrosion monitoring of Offshore Wind Turbines

指導教授 : 李岳聯


綠色能源意識逐漸高漲,政府提出千架風機計畫之同時,考量到台灣地狹人稠之特性,使得風力發電機組必須移往海洋上發展,不同於北歐地區,臺灣的海域有著高溫、高濕且高鹽分的特性,設置於遠於航道之處的昂貴風機不僅需克服離岸的風險,亦需要注意腐蝕帶來的結構破壞,因此不僅要給予風機高規格之抗蝕保護,塗層腐蝕監測系統也顯得十分重要。 電化學阻抗譜(EIS)被認為是一種測試結構物上保護塗層完整性的強大非侵入性技術,本文前半部將介紹利用一電路板連接示波器並結合波形產生器等機台,運用電壓分壓的方式概略地計算出待測塗層之阻抗。文章後半部將講述利用FPGA微機電系統搭配一片印刷電路板,達成一個低成本和便攜式EIS系統,文中將其命名為塗層阻抗檢測器(Coating Impedance Detector, CID 2.0),其系統主打快速評估塗層腐蝕狀態進而分辨它的保護能力,鎖定在1Hz作單點值量測可在更短之時間內得到量測結果。透過實驗測量高規格塗料的阻抗並與常規恆電位儀進行比較,結果證實CID 2.0和實驗室裡研究型恆電位儀所量測出的阻抗曲線在106-109 Ω*cm2範圍內具有良好的準確性,且最高嘗試量測塗層之交流阻抗量測極限值可至1010Ω*cm2,此部分之結果優於先前之研究結果的量測極限。此外,將頻率鎖定在1Hz量測時,CID 2.0可以在保持其精度的同時快速地採集阻抗數據。儘管CID 2.0無法提供試樣完整的交流阻抗資訊,但以單一頻率量測之結果顯示,此系統很適用於初步判斷結構外塗層保護能力,以幫助檢測人員確定是否應該安排塗料即時維護。


Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) is recognized as a powerful and noninvasive technique to test the integrity of protective coatings applied on metallic materials, however, commercial EIS systems are rather costly and bulky though versatile devices. In this study, a low-cost and miniaturized impedance measurement instrument, a coating impedance detector (CID), is proposed The first part of this study describes our research work on the CID design for quick estimate of the protective capacity of coatings purposes. The performance of the CID was compared with a conventional potentiostat by measuring the impedance modulus of commercial coatings. In the second part of this study, a FPGA-based prototype of CID (CID 2.0) has been further established. The results indicate a good correlation between the impedance moduli obtained by the CID 2.0 and laboratory type potentiostat in the range of 106–109 Ω-cm2, which is extremely useful to help workers determine whether coating maintenance should be scheduled.


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