  • 學位論文


The Role of President’s Non-institutional Council in the R.O.C Constitutional System: The Cases of National Congress on Judicial Reform, Indigenous Historical Justice and Transitional Justice Committee

指導教授 : 王業立


蔡英文總統為實踐其於參選總統時之承諾,在就任後便陸續召開司法改革國是會議及原住民族歷史正義與轉型正義委員會,以實踐其改革藍圖;然在我國憲法規範,總統不具廣泛政策權及政策決定機關,故總統親自召集之體制外會議在我國憲政體制下的角色,為值得關注之議題。 本文主要以前揭體制外會議之會議紀錄為研究資料來源,並從中探討總統、行政院及相關機關、民間委員在會議運作中之表現;以及前揭體制外會議在我國憲政體制下的角色。 本文研究發現前揭體制外會議具有五個相同之處:一、組織架構:總統親自召集,依總統核定之設置要點設置且為任務編組性質。二、幕僚業務:總統府秘書長或副秘書長擔任體制外會議之執行秘書或副執行秘書,並為幕僚業務主要負責人;預算及人員由總統府、行政院及相關機關編列及派員。三、面臨總統召開之職權爭議。四、在體制外會議,行政院及相關機關為層屬於總統之角色。五、委員對總統影響力具高度期待。另有一個相異之處,即司法改革國是會議定位為諮詢性質會議,原住民族歷史正義與轉型正義委員會則具有大政方針決策之權。


President Tsai Ing-wen, in order to implement her electoral promise, organized ”National Congress on Judicial Reform” and “Indigenous Historical Justice and Transitional Justice Committee” after she assumed the presidency. According to the constitutional norms of R.O.C., the President does not have especial power to take over the job far. Therefore, the role of President’s non-institutional council in the R.O.C constitutional system is an important issue of concern. This paper’s reference consisted of the meeting minutes of the non-institutional council. The writer based on it to do research and explore the performance of the President, the Executive Yuan, the relevant agencies and the committee members in the non-institutional council, and the non-institutional council’s role in the R.O.C constitutional system. According to research result, there are five similarities in the non-institutional council:(1) The organizational structure: Which the President personally convened is established by the guidelines approved by the President, and the non-institutional council is a task force; (2) The general staff affairs: The secretary-general and deputy secretary-general to the President serves as the executive secretary or deputy executive secretary of the non-institutional council, and is the chief person in charge of the general staff affairs. The budget and personnel shall be provided and staffed by the Office of the President, the Executive Yuan, and the relevant agencies; (3) It is a controversy over the power that the President convened the non-institutional council; (4) The Executive Yuan and the relevant agencies are subordinate to the President in the non-institutional council; (5) The committee members have high expectation for the influence of the President. Furthermore, the difference between the non-institutional council is that National Congress on Judicial Reform is defined as an advisory committee, but Indigenous Historical Justice and Transitional Justice Committee has the power to make decisions on major policies.


