  • 學位論文


Exploring the Management of Government Social Media and Citizen Engagement in It: A Case Study of Facebook Fan Pages

指導教授 : 曹承礎


本研究係針對因網際網路、資通訊科技、Web 2.0、社群媒體等技術、概念或平臺蓬勃發展,進而衍生的政府機關社群媒體之經營活動與民眾參與進行調查,以獲知我國現行政府機關社群媒體經營模式、實務運作與相關思維,及民眾使用政府機關社群媒體的動機、實際瀏覽行為、建議與期望,再針對兩者進行相互比較,嘗試找尋政府社群媒體未來經營的關鍵因素及精進方向。 我國各政府機關在導入Web 2.0時,皆因考量國人最常使用的社群媒體平臺以Facebook為主,且使用Facebook的頻率與時間遠高於其他社群媒體,加上Facebook粉絲專頁功能也是許多企業用以和顧客溝通的良好憑藉,爰採用Facebook粉絲專頁做為傳遞政府資訊及與民眾互動的社群平臺。本研究藉由涉入觀察政府機關Facebook粉絲專頁及訪談其經營者與使用者等方式來蒐集研究資料,並遵循紮根理論之開放式編碼、主軸編碼及選擇性編碼三項步驟,使資料在經歷歸類、比較及合併等過程後形成研究結果。 從本研究訪談可知,現行政府機關Facebook粉絲專頁經營者多半對如何妥善經營粉絲專頁已有基礎認知,因此其所展現之經營行為尚符合使用者想法,然以使用者角度檢視,則認為縱有部分機關粉絲專頁經營表現不俗,但部分機關粉絲專頁經營卻仍不甚理想,應可就經營思維、操作手法、內容呈現方式及與民互動等方面再行精進。而研究結果也發現,無論經營者或使用者皆認為政府機關粉絲專頁是具有效益的,對前者來說主要為有效傳播資訊、獲得行政參考、正面形象建立等,對後者而言則為獲知更多訊息、省時方便、產生不同觀點、產生認同及增加與政府機關互動管道。此外,機關若希望使用者多參與其粉絲專頁,則必須滿足使用者的在意事項,包含持續提供實用且符合使用者需求的資訊、正視使用者的意見回饋及帶給使用者輕鬆、豐富且親民之資訊內容。


By investigating the management of government social media – which is derived from the development of the Internet, ICT (Information and Communication Technology), Web 2.0, and social media – and citizen engagement in it, this study aims to realize the managerial model, practical work, and concept of government social media as well as the motivation, actual browsing behavior, suggestion, and expectations of citizens who use government social media. Furthermore, the study tries to find key factors and ways of improvement for government agencies to manage their social media platforms in the future. Because government agencies discover people use Facebook most and Facebook fan pages are good media for enterprise communication with customers as they decide to adopt Web 2.0 tools, they choose Facebook fan pages to disseminate public information and interact with citizens. As a result, the author collected research data by observing Facebook fan pages of government and interviewing their managers and users, and then classified, compared, and combined data by following the three steps of grounded theory: open coding, axial coding, and selective coding to draw conclusions. The result of interviews showed that most managers of government Facebook fan pages had known how to manage Facebook fan pages, so their managing behavior fits users’ thoughts roughly. From the users’ perspective, they think although some agencies manage their fan pages well, some agencies have bad fan pages. And the latter should enhance their knowledge, managing ways, content presentation, and interaction with citizens. The result also showed that both managers and users think government Facebook fan pages are beneficial. To the former, the benefits include disseminating information effectively, getting public administration reference, and establishing good image. To the latter, the benefits include receiving more information conveniently, saving time, producing different viewpoints, enhancing identification, and interacting with government agencies through another channel. And if government agencies want citizens to participate their fan pages more, they should satisfy what users care about, such as offering useful information, taking user’s opinion and feedback seriously, and providing content which is relaxing, rich, and close to people.


Government Social Media Facebook Fan Pages Grounded Theory


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