  • 學位論文


The Syntactic and Pragmatic Characteristics of the Construction “you zai V” in Taiwan Mandarin

指導教授 : 劉德馨


「有V」句式常見於臺灣、中國南方等地,近年來更是普及至整個漢語圈,中國北方的媒體也開始習用此句式。然筆者於日常生活中發現,「有V」句式常與「在」共現,也就是「有在V」,此用法於臺灣口語中出現的頻率越來越高,然而專門針對句式「有在V」的研究卻是付之闕如,又「有在V」的用法及功能是否為「有V」句式和「在」的綜合體,抑或有其特殊意義,為本研究的探討焦點。 研究結果顯示,「有在V」主要可分為兩種句式意義,分別為表過去持續到現在與表強調、確認,而前者又可細分為表習慣與表職業;「有在V」的語用功能最主要為相反預設與信息確認。再來,一項針對臺灣母語人士的語法判斷測試結果也發現,「有在V」在語法判斷測試中有其特殊性,可見臺灣人在需「表過去持續到現在」與「表強調、確認」的語境中會傾向使用「有在V」;最後,本研究根據「有在V」具獨特的語法、語用功能,臺灣人使用上的特殊性,加之標準漢語語言內部的表達空缺,推知「有在V」為一個具有獨立意義的構式。


有在 新興語法 動貌標記 構式語法


The syntactical structure "有V" (you +verb) is common in Taiwan and Southern China and has recently spread across the Mandarin-speaking world. Media outlets in northern China have begun to use this structure. However, the present research found that "有V" exists in parallel with the structure "有在V" (you zai +verb), and gains frequency in Taiwanese colloquial usage, though this structure has not yet been the subject of scrutiny by researchers. This thesis focuses on the instances and function of "有在V," and aims to investigate whether it is a synthesis of the syntactical structure "有V" and the existential verb "在" (zai), or it is a unique structure with independent meaning. This research found that "有在V" has two sets of syntactical significance, one being to express the continuation from past to present, the other to indicate emphasis and confirmation. The former can further split into denoting habits or denoting profession, but the main function of "有在V" is to express assumption to the contrary or to express the confirmation of information. Also, a grammaticality judgment test administered to native speakers of Taiwanese demonstrated that "有在V" is to Taiwanese speakers a construction specifically reserved for contexts that require the expression of a continuous state from past to present, or the expression of emphasis and confirmation. This thesis proposes that the unique syntactical and pragmatic aspects of the construction "有在V" as used by Taiwanese speakers is an independently meaningful construction, which fills a specific need in standard Mandarin Chinese due to its lack of a similar form of expression.


you zai you zai new grammar aspect construction grammar


