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The Research of the TV Dialect Program of Taiwan: On the Reference for the Chinese Mainland




In the development of human civilization, linguistic culture has always played an important role; its changes reflect the regional natural attributes of human instincts, and also reflect the historical and social attributes. In any era, any group of people and race and even nation and class will make full use of their own language to strengthen governance and cohesion. As the universal popularity of TV and the television become the effective way of conveying the Government decree, a different language TV programs can educate and guide people, so the TV broadcast in different languages has become an important media tool. The language policy of Taiwan is closely related the language policy of the TV programs in different times. Generally speaking, there are two kinds of TV dialect program in Taiwan. The first one is Taiwanese program, the second one is minorities' programs (Hakka, Native language and Hokchius in Lianjiang County). To make the Taiwanese TV program is depended on the demand of the market. To make the second kind of program, TV stations need the help from the government policy to survive under the market circumstances. Comparing with China mainland, the dialect program in Taiwan is more mature by the contents and methods which the Mainland TV program producers should draw experience. The issue tries to find the same points of dialect program, the issue tries to find the same points of dialect program, analysis the differences, in order to establish a sustainable development mode for the Mainland dialect program.


Administration Dialect Dialect Programs Mainland China Market Taiwan


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