  • 學位論文


Ringback Tone Advertising: Consumer’s Attitude and Intention to Adopt.

指導教授 : 黃恆獎


手持式行動通訊裝置的普及,不但使人與人的相互溝通更加容易,也讓廠商對消費者的溝通管道更加多元。有別於已普遍施行的報紙、電視及網路廣告的行銷方式,行動行銷(Mobile Marketing)則是目前新興的行銷方式之一,相較於其他廣告媒介,擁有能夠一對一鎖定廣告對象、能與廣告對象產生互動及即時性高等等的優點,受到電信業者與廣告業者的青睞,被視為未來一大創新商機。而本研究之研究內容為行動行銷方式之一─來電答鈴廣告服務。該服務2008年首先在土耳其由土耳其電信推出,受到廣大的迴響,並獲得2009年的「最佳行動廣告服務獎(Best Mobile Advertising Service)」,2009年在中國大陸、南韓與台灣都推出類似的服務。 而2009年在台灣已推行的來電答鈴廣告服務對於電信業者是一項創新行動加值服務商機,能擴展服務項目增加營業收入;對廣告業者來說是嶄新的廣告媒介,搭配既有廣告媒介能形成更有效率、更全面性的行銷策略。那站在消費者的立場之接受度又是如何?因此,本研究目的在探討台灣消費者對於來電答鈴廣告服務的接受意願,以及影響消費者許可意願與許可態度的各項潛在因素,並且希望找出影響消費者態度最強烈的正面因素與負面因素。透過消費者態度與意願的相關理論,與問卷調查的研究方法進行量化分析,客觀衡量消費者的許可意願與許可態度。 在調查結果部份,受測者的年齡介於19~28歲有88%左右,根據LISREL分析結果指出影響許可意願最大因素為許可態度,而影響許可態度最重要因素為廣告內容價值構面,其次是利己主義構面,而廣告內容價值構面內四個低階因素都顯著影響廣告內容價值構面。


The rapid growth of the use of mobile phone, not only makes the communication between people much more easily, but also creates a new marketing medium for marketers. Compared to traditional marketing channels like newspaper, TV, and e-mail, the mobile marketing has those advantages : the mobile marketing can communicate with consumers one by one without time or location barriers , and it is much more interactive than other channels . The mobile marketing is one of latest marketing issues, and it has raised considerable interest as mobile technology has advanced. Therefore, the paper focuses on one of mobile marketing service –Ring back tone advertising service. The purpose and method of this study are: First, based on the Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA), we investigate the factors that affect the intention and attitude of consumers to join the ring back tone advertising service. Second, we used questionnaire method and LISREL to analysis the model. Final, we tried to find out the factors which influence consumer’s intention and attitude toward ring back tone advertising service most. The age of the subjects in this research was mostly under 28 years old (89%), and most of the subjects were students (59%). And the conclusions of this research are: (1)The construct which influences consumer’s intention toward ring back tone advertising service most is consumer’s attitude .(2) The factors which influence consumer’s attitude most are the content of advertisement and individualism. (3) The factor which influences the content of advertisement most is entertainment.


