  • 學位論文


The Effect of Agitation and Pounding Temperature on Rheological Characteristics of Cooked Waxy Rice Products

指導教授 : 葉安義


國內米食加工產品中,糯米類的米食品以湯圓、米麻 糬和年糕為大宗,米麻 糬香Q可口的獨特質感,乃來自於傳統之搥打。本實驗以不同攪拌溫度(30、50、70℃)、攪拌時間(3、6、10、20、30min)、搥打次數(50、250、450次)及水份含量(45、50、55、60%)進行糯米漿團流變性質與微細構造之探討,探討攪拌與搥打溫度對產品性質的影響,以瞭解網狀結構形成機制,盼能應用於糯米類或其他澱粉類產品之開發,利於市場的推廣。 攪拌與搥打溫度的提高,有助於糯米漿糰中澱粉之糊化;且攪拌比搥打更能促使糯米漿糰之糊化。於攪拌與搥打過程中,水分之損失最高者小於6%,應不會影響產品性質。低水分含量時(45%),提高攪拌時間或搥打次數的增加,容積密度下降較顯著。提高攪拌或搥打溫度時,高水分含量(60%)製品的容積密度反而較高。搥打造成硬度下降率較攪拌方式顯著,且冷凍後硬度的變化率較小。此外,糯米漿糰經過攪拌或搥打後,會將空氣打進組織中,形成大大小小的孔洞,且內生性黏度皆有下降趨勢。當在低水分含量時,組織較硬,攪拌或搥打溫度的提高,線性黏彈區域較長,容積密度下降較顯著,SEM圖中的孔洞也較大,表示空氣進入組織結構後易被包著,樣品結構較呈現彈性。在高水分含量時,組織較軟,攪拌或搥打溫度的提高,G’值較低,線性黏彈性較短,空氣容易被打進去,但容積密度反而較高,SEM圖中的孔洞也較小且少,內生性黏度下降較顯著,表示空氣進入組織後由於結構的破壞空氣不容易保留,樣品結構較呈現黏性。


麻糬 糯米漿糰 流變 攪拌 搥打


Tongyuan, mochi, and rice cake are the major products made from waxy rice in Taiwan. Due to its particular elastic property with multiple varieties, mochi attracts much attention of consumers and become a potential product for both eastern and western markets. The objective of my research is to study the effect of the agitation and pounding on the mochi characteristics at different temperatures(30、50、70℃), agitation time(3、6、10、20、30min), pounding times(50、250、450times)and moisture content(45、50、55、60%). The formation of network and the rheological of waxy rice are focused. The results can applied to prepare different glutinous rice and another starch products. The increase of temperature in the processing of agitation and pounding will enhance the gelatinization of starch. The highest water loss is only 6%. The agitation and pounding reduced the bulk density of the cooked glutinous rice cake with low-moisture-contain (45%). However, the bulk density will be increased for the rice cake with high moisture (60%). From the texture profile analysis, the reduction in hardness caused by pounding was more profound than that by agitation. The pounded product was more stable during the storage at -20℃. Agitation and pounding as well as the increase of the temperature increased the range of linear viscoelastic region for the low-moisture-content samples, bulk density decreasing, the pores were more bigger, the characteristic of product is more elasticity. For the high-moisture content samples, the increase of the temperature decreased the range of linear viscoelastic region, the value of G’ is lower, the pores are smaller and fewer, but the bulk density is higher. The intrinsic viscosity is also decreased, the characteristic of product is more viscous.


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