  • 學位論文


Research On the Applicability of Heat Pipe in Low Temperature Conditions

指導教授 : 楊宏智


針對於安全性的要求提高,各種防護衣的設計與材質、規格近年來都更趨嚴謹,但相對的卻增加了防護衣的厚度、材質,而忽略了使用者的舒適度與活動靈活性,致使身體的排熱受到阻礙造成體溫的不斷上升,讓使用者感到悶熱難耐,無法發揮應有效益。由此可見,發展出一套具高效率地從身體帶走熱量的防護衣之必要性。 本研究著重在改善防護衣的散熱傳導機致,初步的嘗試利用目前已開發成熟應用在高溫電子元件上的熱導管作為導熱媒介。市面上的熱管往往應用於50℃以上的高溫環境,尚未將熱導管開發使用在人體體溫36℃左右之熱傳條件,本研究基於上述目的以現有之工業產品作開發應用,一方面討論該熱管規格於相對低溫環境作導熱媒介之適當性,一方面分析在此環境下的傳熱性能及溫度反應。經過本研究中的實驗設計與結果,具體分析了熱管的性能,及其應用於低溫散熱環境的效益;分析各項工程上優缺點後,本研究並提出了未來商品可應用的範圍。


熱導管 散熱 防護衣


With the increasing concerns on safety, the standard of protective suit has been gradually enhanced lately. The present tactics is to increase thickness of the protective suit with tougher and denser texture. Unfortunately, comfort and mobility for the user have been ignored. A key aspect is the disposal of body heat in the hostile venting environments. Therefore, a great necessity is raised to develop a new protective suit which can effectively take away body heat while maintaining the wearer’s minimum comfort in the working situation. This study focuses on improving the heat dissipation mechanism, attempting a use of heat pipe, which has been well developed in the application of high temperature electronic components, to be the medium for heat conduction. Heat pipe is usually seen to be applied in the range around 50 °C or above, and no one has ever tried to apply it in the condition of around 36 °C, the normal body temperature. From the objectives set above, this study was formulated with a use of existing industrial products, and discuss was also made whether the standard heat pipe suits in the condition of relatively low temperatures. Related issues such as its heat conduction performances and effects on temperature distribution will be analyzed. Through a proper experimental design, the functions of the heat pipe and its applicability in the condition of low temperature are also analyzed. Having analyzed the pros and cons from the engineer’s viewpoints, this study also provides directions of the potential application areas for future commodity.


Heat Pipe Heat Dissipation Protective Suit


2.K. H. Sun, and C. L. Tien, “A simple Conduction Model for Theoretical. Steady-State Heal Pipe Performance“, AIAA Journal, Vol. 10, No. 8, pp. 1051-1057, 1972.
3.C. L. Lee, and U. Mital, “A Two-Phase Closed Thermosyphon“, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 15, No. 9, pp. 1965-1707,1972.


