  • 學位論文


A study on the Commercial Service Characterisics in Northeast Coast National Scenic Area

指導教授 : 林建元


觀光發展乃是各國政府積極推動之新興產業,透過觀光的發展以帶動地方經濟成長,改變地方產業生態。這其中商業活動服務乃影響觀光地區吸引力之最主要因素,這類事業通常包含住宿、餐飲、休閒服務等與遊客之遊憩活動有直接關係者。 東北角海岸國家風景區乃我國首座設立之國家級風景區,且鄰近大台北都會區,一直是相當受到喜愛之地區。過去對於自然形態之觀光地區多從環境的角度切入探討,而忽略了區內相關之商業活動的重要性,影響著地區之吸引力。本研究以區內相關之商業活動做為研究之標的,分作店家特性與遊客特性探討其特性為何,以供作為日後規劃相關政策之參考。 透過田野的調查統計與店家問卷與遊客問卷的施作,歸納出本區商業活動供給面與需求面的特性如下: 一、 店家特性 營業形式以餐飲業為主,店面的分佈與地區遊憩型態有關;店主身份多為本地人,且多數希望媒體的宣傳能幫助其經營獲得改善;氣候為影響本區店面營業最主要的因素;本區屬假日型觀光地區且缺乏夜間活動,導致顧客數集中在假日與白天 二、 遊客特性 1. 大多數遊客為一日遊觀光客,且以自用車為主要交通工具。 2. 多數遊客以風景欣賞為主要遊憩目的,且重遊之機會高;遊客停留的遊憩據點數不多,但與消費金額有正向關係。 3. 多數遊客以餐飲業為主要消費對象,且地方特色的塑造對於商業活動的發展有重大意義;本區遊憩類型多屬動態性質,攤販活動恰能配合遊客活動進行;不同遊憩目的對於商業活動有不同看法,其中以釣魚者最為特殊。 根據特性之所得,本研究建議以下四點行動措施:善用媒體宣傳、店主的再教育、旺季時可設立攤販專區、強化區內據點間的差異性,希望對於未來之發展能有所裨益


Tourism development is one of the major tasks for each government in the promotion of local economic development. Among all factors influencing the attractiveness of local tourism, commercial services such as lodging, dinning and other recreation services are the most critical factors. The Northeast Coast National Scenic Area (NCNSA) is the first national scenic area in Taiwan. NCNSA is located near to the Taipei city and it has been one of the most popular scenic areas in Taiwan. In order to improve the attractiveness of the national scenic areas, most of the traditional approaches have focused on the managing of natural resources. However, it is argued in this research that the commercial service is also a critical factor influencing the service quality and attractiveness of the scenic area. This research is aimed to investigate the characteristics of commercial services in NCNSA from both the supply and demand sides through field survey and questionnaires. It is hoped that the result can be helpful to the environmental planning for the future development of NCNSA. Major findings in this research are summarized as follows: A. Characteristics of shops in NCNSA Most commercial units in this area are providing food and beverage services. It is also found that shops are concentrated in certain scenic spots. Most shop owners are local residents and they suffered from the demand variation due to the seasonal climates and daytime and weekend peaks. B. Characteristics of tourists 1. Most tourists are one-day visitors and private vehicle is the key transportation mode. 2. Most tourists come to NCNSA for landscape-seeing repeatedly. In addition, the number of scenic spots visited is positively related to the amount of consumption. 3. Most tourists spend money on dinning in NCNSA. However, it is found that fishing visitors behaved very differently form others. Based on the research findings, for the future development, it is suggested that public media should be used for better marketing, re-education of shop owners should be done to improve service quality and vending stands can be considered to meet peak service demand. Keywords: Northeast Coast National Scenic Area, commercial service, shop characteristics, tourist characteristics


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