  • 學位論文


A study on the Design of Pedagogical Content of Mandarin Idioms for Situational Learning and the Impact of Implementing Related Activities

指導教授 : 巫淑華


華語成語結構特殊,形式簡潔卻意義完整,且蘊含了中國的文化素養,其言簡意賅的特性,一直以來都是華語母語者最常使用的固定詞組之一。成語學習除了能認識中國文化背景,增進閱讀能力,更可以使用在口語表達方面。若能對外籍學習者教授華語成語,相信對其中文能力與技能有所幫助。 現今針對外籍學習者的成語教材尚未發展成熟,多著重在辭義講解的部分,對於用法說明稍嫌不足。基於這些原因,本研究利用學習者常接觸到的情境做為教材主軸,透過情境主題式的內容安排,將華語成語導入實際生活運用。並且實施教學活動配合此教材,以提升學習成效。因此本研究探討的問題包含:情境式教材的內容安排為何、成語 的教學活動該如何設計,以及教學活動對成語教學有何影響。研究者進行了兩次教學,第一次教學作為前導試驗分析,透過訪談的方式,和第二次教學所採用的學前問卷調查,得出十二項學習者最常使用的情境主題,作為本教材的分類指標。研究者也根據前人研究與自身所強調重點,制定出成語教學活動須包含三大目標符合四項原則:目的性、趣味性、挑戰性、應用性,作為活動設計標準。 經過第二次課程教學,藉由課後的問卷蒐集,和第二次訪談回應,學習者對於教材安排和教學活動給予相當肯定,並認為教材裡的故事、用法、圖示、短文等項目,對學習成語是十分有幫助的。而情境式的安排,更有助於學習者連結生活並實際運用。此外,教學活動的實施,除了能增添趣味性,提高學習成語的動機,也有助於學習者練習成語的使用。由此可知,教學活動對成語教學是有其必要性,配合教材使用,相信華語成語對學習者不再是一件難事。


The structure of Mandarin idioms is unique, which is formally simple but expressive.They contain cultural messages of Chinese people, and have been the most commonly usedwords and phrases by native Mandarin speakers due to their briefness and simplicity.Learning Mandarin idioms make us not only understand the Chinese cultural background, butincrease reading ability. In addition, Mandarin idioms can be applied to the oral expression. And it is believed that our Chinese language skills will get improved if we teach Mandarin idioms to foreign people. The development of idioms teaching materials suited for foreign people is unlikely nowadays. Most of the teaching materials focus on the lexical definition and are lack of usage direction. As a result, we made situations that are familiar to our learners as the main teaching material in this study, and making the Mandarin idioms used in daily life through the situational teaching. We also created some activities along with the teaching materials in orderto increase the learning outcomes. The investigation of this study includes: What situations are made in the teaching materials? How to design the idioms teaching activities? and What effect is created by the teaching activities used in the idiom teaching courses? We propose two teaching courses. The first course is interviews as an analysis of the pilot test. The second course is the questionnaire investigation before teaching which gets twelve situations our learners used often as the category target. According to previous studies and key point in our study, we make four rules that the Mandarin idioms teaching activities must includes: the intention, interestingness, challenge and serviceability. By the questionnaires after the second teaching course and the second interview, our learners quite affirm the teaching material and activities. They also think the stories, usages, pictures and paragraphs in the teaching materials are very helpful. The situational practices are more beneficial for them to connect Mandarin idioms to their daily life as well. Besides, the teaching activities can increase their interestingness and intentions of learning Mandarin idioms. It can be seen that the teaching activities is essential and with the teaching material,learning Mandarin idioms is not difficult for people who want to learn.




