  • 學位論文

台北市宗教據點觀光吸引力之研究- 以龍山寺與行天宮為例

Tourism Attractiveness of Religious Sites in Taipei: A Case Study of Lungshan Temple and Hsingtien Temple

指導教授 : 林建元


本研究從觀光吸引力理論與宗教觀光出發,整合出宗教據點的各種吸引力,並從都市觀光需求的角度將遊客特性加以分類,透過問卷調查以及統計分析方法,探討宗教據點吸引力對不同參觀目的、遊客特性的吸引程度,進而比較龍山寺和行天宮觀光吸引力的差異。 調查結果顯示,對香客較有吸引力的因子為祈安求福、精神調劑,而建物特色、知名度、體驗宗教氣氛、木石雕彩繪、歷史、文物展示和交通便利等七個引力因子則對觀光客有較高的吸引程度。區分參觀目的後發現宗教據點乃是以傳統宗教文化吸引力來吸引信仰者,以知名度、文化藝術和建築特色等吸引力招來觀光客。在遊客特性和吸引力因子分數的關係上,除了性別以外,吸引力因子對 不同年齡、職業、教育程度、居住地和宗教信仰會有不同的吸引程度。最後在龍山寺和行天宮的比較上,兩座寺廟在知名度、傳統信仰、文化藝術與建築特色的優勢都相當,也就是龍山寺和行天宮的主要觀光吸引力對遊客並沒有顯著的差異,至於支持吸引力的部分兩座寺廟則有較明顯的差異,因此龍山寺和行天宮兩座寺廟在宗教觀光的發展上,活動的舉行、環境的改善、設施的方便性以及與周 邊景點或商業活動的配合才是更能增加觀光吸引力的要素。


In the context of the tourism attractiveness and religious tourism, this research is to analyze the attractiveness factors of religious sites for tourists according to different purposes and characteristics. By means of questionnaire and statistical analysis, the research attempts to identify attractiveness factors for religious tourists with differnt purposes and attributes. Furthermore, the differences of tourism attractiveness between Lungshan Temple and Hsingtien Temple are investigated. Result of the survey shows that: (1) the major attractiveness factors for pilgrims are to pray for blessings and spiritual relief. Whereas, temple building, fame, experiencing religious atmosphere, carved-wood and stone, history, cultural exhibition, and accessibility are more attractive to tourists. By separating the visiting purposes, the research reveals that the religious sites attract the pilgrims with their traditional religious function, and attract tourists with their fames, cultures and arts, and buildings; (2) the characteristics of religious tourists, such as age, vocation, education, country and religious belief, except gender, would affect how they perceive the attractiveness factors; (3) the comparison between Lungshan Temple and Hsingtien Temple shows that there is no difference in their primary attractiveness factors. However, there are significant differences in the other attractiveness factors between two temples. It is concluded that religious festivals, environmental improvements, convenient facilities, and attractions or business around religious sites are the important elements to be improved for the two temples to develop religious tourism in the future.


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