  • 學位論文

寬頻無線接取(BWA)產業新創科技商業計劃可行性分析 -以PC 3G Connectivity產品設計公司為例

New Venture Business Plan Feasibility Study in Broadband Wireless Access Industry - PC 3G Connectivity Product Design Company

指導教授 : 蔡揚宗 游張松


本研究之主題是針對無線寬頻接取產業中之新創事業的真實個案,以商業計劃書的方式分析其投資的可行性。對消費者來說,無線寬頻接取技術有很多種可被採行的方案;而這些不同的技術,彼此之間,既是互補又是競爭的關係。因此對於進入此一領域的新創事業,如欲在如此複雜的競合環境下勝出,除了要知道市場的機會以外,也必須瞭解其與市場上其他參與者之間的關係,分析自身的核心技術能力及競爭優勢,藉以找到最適的市場定位,再據以擬訂行銷及營運策略,做好風險評估和資金規劃。而這整體的分析,實際上就是一個商業計劃書的架構。而此一真實個案以商業計劃書的方式呈現,除了可以提供投資者對計劃本身做深入檢驗的依據外;對於經營團隊進一步了解產業環境、制定策略發展、提升競爭優勢等,都有積極正面的助益。 本商業計劃書從寬頻無線接取技術與市場概述開始,進而說明此新創事業所欲發展的產品在市場上的定位及其市場機會,更進一步藉由價值網的架構來分析個案公司與市場上其他參與者之間的競合關係,說明此一市場定位背後的策略義涵。接下來探討個案公司的核心技術及競爭優勢,結合市場定位的策略思維,擬定行銷策略及生產營運策略。然後在財務分析上,配合公司發展規劃,以五年為基期進行投資金額規劃及財務數字預測,進而計算出投資效益;最後,再綜合地做整體的風險評估,以完成完整的營業計劃書。 高科技產業隨著技術不斷地更新、產品不斷地推陳出新、商業模式不斷地改變,造成競爭環境瞬息萬變。然而高科技新創事業通常進入門檻很高,不是資金需求高,就是產品技術難度高,加上產品生命週期愈來愈短,更增添了新創事業的風險;因此在資源有限風險很高的情況下,更不容許有策略上的錯誤發生。創業家除了要隨時掌握產業的動態變化外,還要有一套邏輯化、系統化的工具協助其檢視商業計劃的可行性,而商業計劃書的投資可行性分析的研究過程,正可以提供這樣的功能。


寬頻無線接取 價值網 3G數據卡 3G WiMAX WLAN


This study is to perform feasibility evaluation of an actual Broadband Wireless Access (BWA) design house startup in business plan format. There are several alternatives of BWA technologies to achieve network connectivity, they are either in complement position or in competition position. To win over such a complicated scenario, the company must have clear understanding about role of each participant and the mutual relationship besides the market opportunity, as well as analyzes the core competence and competitive advantages of itself to identify the fittest market position so as to define sales and operation strategy, make risk assessment and draft financial plan. This real case takes advantage of business plan format as a basis to provide detail information to investors. Besides, it can help management team to further understand the industry environment, validate strategy and increase competitive advantages. This business plan begins with an introduction to the technology and industry current status, and then the designated products associated market opportunities are described, which are further investigated the “co-opetition” relationship among those participants according to Value-Net Model. Then, the cited S company’s core technology and competitive advantages are stated, combined with the thoughts of strategic position, marketing strategy & operation strategy are defined. Based on these strategies, 5-years-period financial analysis is made for the reason of product lifecycle. Finally, risks are also assessed for the completeness of business plan. Along with the fast development of technology, new products and business models bring up the fierce competition and rapid change environment of hi-tech industry. Regardless of the new ventures’ high entry barrier, whether it be unique innovation of technology or high level requirement of capital, the characteristic of shorter and shorter product lifecycle in hi-tech industry raises up the risk of the investment which barely has room for entrepreneur to make strategy mistake. Therefore, besides closely watching the industry change dynamics, entrepreneur should have a set of logical, systematic instruments to help himself to validate the feasibility of his plan. This is exactly what the business plan can do.


Broadband Wireless Access Value Net 3G Modem Card WiMAX WLAN


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