  • 學位論文


Research on the Legal Protection of Databases in the Digital World

指導教授 : 蔡明誠


本論文旨在探討數位時代下資料庫的法律保護方式是否足夠與其發展方向。 對資料庫保護之必要性概念自歐盟資料庫保護調適準則制定並施行後由學者引入國內,此乃由於資訊爆炸時代對資料庫產業需求性之增加,先進國家認知資料庫產業之重要性及對資料庫加以保護之必要性,嘗試採取各種立法模式提供未達著作權法原創性要件之資料庫法律保護之基礎。 資料庫收編大量資訊卻可能因為大量且完整之收錄使選擇及編排欠缺著作權法編輯著作原創性之要求程度,進而無法受到著作權法之保護。歐盟資料庫保護調適準則首開先例嘗試以特別法方式保護非原創性資料庫後,特別法之立法模式是否為最適切之資料庫法律保護方式?此立法模式是否會在其他方面造成弊害?是否仍有其他法律保護模式可供選擇?值得重新探討商榷。 第一章以研究動機及國內現有文獻探討引伸出本論文之探討問題點,亦即新興資料庫立法是否真能達到保護資料庫並促進資料庫產業之目的而無任何負面影響。第二章探討數位時代之來臨是否使數位資料庫及傳統資料庫產生不同之保護規範需求,確認本論文是否需區分數位資料庫與傳統資料庫為不同之討論。第三章綜論資料庫法律保護之所有可能方式,探討除了著作權法及本論文欲詳加介紹之資料庫新興立法外,其他法律保護制度是否足以對資料庫提供完善之保護,若該保護並非完善其問題之癥結為何。第四章採比較法之研究方法,針對資料庫法律保護所面臨之困境,以介紹相關國際規範及具有代表性之資料庫新興立法例出發,提供我國立法之背景及借鏡。第五章為本論文之探討重點,在分析比較法上對於資料庫法律保護議題之因應後,衡平地介紹不同保護方式可能衍生之問題,包括傳統討論之著作權保護困境以及新興特別法保護模式可能產生之缺失,為我國立法之方向提供更充分的資訊。第六章延續第四章及第五章對於不同保護方式均可能面臨困境及產生衍伸問題之認知後,嘗試尋求目前其他民事請求權基礎是否足以對資料庫提供法律保護,再次確認是否有立法之必要性。第七章整理學者對於資料庫法律保護因應方式之建議,介紹並分析各種因應方式之可行性、實行困難點及其詳細內容,提供立法選擇之參考。第八章為結論,整理研究心得、提出研究建議、並指出研究之限制及展望。


This research is about whether the legal protection of databases in the digital world is sufficient and what favorable regulations should be developed. Due to the rapid development of database industry as a result of the information explosion, developed countries have realized the importance of database protection and have tried to provide several legal regimes for databases which do not match the originality requirements in the copyright law. The necessity of database protection arose from the Directive 96/9/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 March 1996 on the legal protection of databases and was introduced by the scholars. The databases with abundant information may be lack for proper protection because their selection and arrangement do not satisfy the originality requirement of compilation in the copyright law. However, is the legal regime of Sui Generis in the Directive 96/9/EC the most favorable mode? Will the legal regime cause any harmful effect in other aspects? Is there any other feasible legal protection? Chapter 1 collects the domestic literature to introduce the issue of the research. Chapter 2 discusses whether the digital databases should be protected in a different way from the traditional databases and confirms whether the research should be conducted in two separated aspects correspondingly. Chapter 3 introduces all the possible legal protections of databases and discusses whether these regimes provide a complete protection, if not, what the problems could be. Chapter 4 adopts a comparative study method and introduces the relevant international norms and the representative legal regimes. Chapter 5 is the most important chapter in this research. After introducing all the legal protections, Chapter 5 analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of these regimes and then provides information and suggestion for the legislation amendment. Chapter 6 tries to find another civil regime for the database protection and confirms again whether there is a necessity of amendment or not. Chapter 7 synthesizes the advices of scholars and discusses whether they are feasible or what the problems could be. Chapter 8 is the conclusion of this research, including the finding, the suggestion, the limits of this research and the perspectives.


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