  • 學位論文

資訊不對稱的交易環境中之商業模式–以 Web 2.0 概念為價值創造之範例

The Business Model in Information Asymmetry Business Environment by Using Web 2.0 Concept

指導教授 : 翁崇雄


資訊不對稱是在交易環境中普遍存在的現象。資訊不對稱的交易環境所伴隨而來的,就是搜尋成本與交易成本的居高不下:每個消費者在下購買決策時,都得花許多時間去比價、問親朋好友的口碑、貨比三家、討價還價…,而對於商家而言,面對眾多消費者不信任的態度,以及一再反覆、討價還價的購買行為,想必也是相當困擾,且必需花費相當高昂的成本來進行解說與銷售。 運用Web 2.0的概念,我們有機會相當程度的降低因為資訊不對稱所帶來的交易成本與市場的無效率。Web 2.0將網際網路上的發言權從企業、機構移轉給個人,讓許多平凡的大眾也可能會有出眾的機會,也讓集體知識、智慧的累積產生龐大的力量。 本論文旨在運用Web 2.0的概念與精神,提出一個形成購物網站新商業模式的架構,以期運用消費者的共同參與和集體智慧來降低交易環境中資訊不對稱的現象,讓人人都能成為『消費達人』,買到物超所值的產品與服務;而廠商也不用老是拼價格,殺價殺到血本無歸,而是拼服務、比價值、賺取合理利潤,讓真正有實力的優質廠商得以勝出,達到消費者與廠商雙營的目的。


Information Asymmetry is a common phenomenon that exists in today’s business environment, it caused high search and transaction cost because consumers have to pay a lot of effort to compare price and quality, to search for advise from friends, to bargain and negotiate…and for the sellers, they have to hire a lot of sales for customers facing to response to their inquiries and deal with negotiation, as well as convince them that their goods is the best for them to buy. By using Web 2.0 concept, we have a good chance to reduce the inefficiency of market which caused by Information Asymmetry. Consumers could have strong power to deal with sellers by equipping their knowledge and information from Web sites. We can use Web 2.0 concept to accumulate consumers’ experience and knowledge that the products and services they bought, then we can reduce the phenomenon of Information Asymmetry which exist between sellers and buyers. With the stronger buying power from consumers, sellers have more incentive and willingness to improve their product and service quality to win recognition and public praise from consumers. This thesis’s major purpose is to propose an architecture of business plan by using Web 2.0 concept to harness collective intelligence from consumers everywhere from internet, then we can reduce the level of Information Asymmetry in business environment to improve market efficiency and create value to consumers and sellers, as well as the whole society. Hopefully everyone who visit “Master Buyer” web site can equip plenty of knowledge and experience to buy with high value added products and services, and those sellers don’t need to compete only on price war, but also on the value they can deliver. Thus, we can achieve win-win result to consumers and sellers.


5.IBM Software Development Group Workshop(2007):
第一節 中文部分


林信志(2008)。探討具有Web 2.0特性的社群網站-無名小站的服務品質與交易成本對顧客忠誠度之影響〔碩士論文,長榮大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0015-2606200818114000
