  • 學位論文


The Transformation and Imitation of Shi Shuo Xin Yu during Ming-Qing Transition

指導教授 : 曹淑娟 張蓓蓓


本文以明清之際世説體對《世説新語》的繼承與轉化為主要脈絡,觀察明清之際世説體在體例與思想內涵上,對《世説新語》進行了怎樣的繼承與轉化,試圖探索其轉化的成因。 第一章緒論從學界已有的基礎上,嘗試為「世説體」提出一個義界,並以該義界為基礎,劃分屬於「世説體」及《世説新語》之支流的作品。 第二章以明清之際世説體在體例上對《世説新語》的繼承與轉化為中心,並闡述各書的寫作動機,以及各書與《世説新語》的關係。經過分析,發現不論有無標榜意圖模仿《世説新語》,這七部作品在體例上都各自呈現了對《世説新語》的承襲及創新,並且在多方面都有共通的地方。 第三章以「德行」為主軸,可見明清之際世説體所呈現的德量的觀念,對《世説新語》的觀念有所轉化。其次,兩者都呈現了孝先於忠的觀念,但在內涵上卻有所不同,可見明清之際世説體在繼承中又有了自己的轉化。至於明清之際世説體對廉與儉的重視,則可見對《世説新語》呈現的廉、儉觀念的轉化。 第四章以「政事」與「棲逸」為主軸,論仕隱心態的呈現。經過分析,可見明清之際世説體在「政事」的內容上,從《世説新語》所呈現的「不理政事」,轉化為「勤於政事」。至於「棲逸」則不乏以魏晉的隱逸之士、物癖自比的例子,可見明清之際世説體在這方面對《世説新語》所載的人事言行的認同及繼承。不過,以隱逸的生活情境而言,則呈現了對《世説新語》的〈棲逸〉的轉化。 第五章觀察明清之際世説體對《世説新語•賢媛》傳統的繼承與突破。經過分析,明清之際世説體與《世説新語•賢媛》傳統的關係可分為四類。《玉劍尊聞》、《明語林》、《今世説》繼承了《世説新語•賢媛》的傳統。《玉光劍氣集》及《南吳舊話錄》收錄了「不賢」、「非媛」的女性,對〈賢媛〉進行了擴展。《女世説》全書載女性言行事蹟,呈現巾幗不讓鬚眉的風姿,寓有教化男性的意義,可見其對〈賢媛〉的擴展。至於《快園道古》則打破了將女性另立一門的限制,將女性事蹟與男性並列,分置在相應的門類之下。 第六章為結論,歸納各章的觀察,本文認為明清之際世説體的寫作原意,本就非盲目地仿摹魏晉名士的行事。因而在思想內涵及體例的層面上,必然會對《世説新語》進行轉化。其轉化與作品的時代性有關,以服務其「存史」的編撰意圖。然而,採用世說體「存史」,也有其局限,也是造成這個文體的發展陷入瓶頸的原因之一。


This thesis focuses on the transformation and imitation of Shi Shuo Xin Yu during the Ming-Qing transition. This thesis argues that the authors of the Shi Shuo imitations during the Ming-Qing transition consciously transformed both the form and the inner values of their works from the original Shi Shuo Xin Yu in order to serve their purposes of writing the book. Chapter 1 identifies a list of works of the Shi Shuo imitations during Ming and Qing dynasty, based on the definition as proposed in this chapter. From the list of works, 7 texts completed during Ming Qing Transition are identified, with brief accounts of these works and their authors included in the chapter. Chapter 2 first discusses the objectives of these texts. Based on the objectives of these books, this chapter further discusses the form of Shi Shuo imitations during the Ming-Qing transition, with an emphasis on the change in the nonclementure of the chapters, as compared to the original Shi Shuo Xin Yu. Chapter 3 focuses on the topic “Virtuous Conduct”, and discusses the various conducts such as filial piety, loyalty, incorruptibility and frugality as portrayed by the Shi Shuo imitations during Ming-Qing transition. By comparing the views contained in the Shi Shuo imitations to those contained within Shi Shuo Xin Yu, it is clear that the imitations offer different viewpoints as compared to the original Shi Shuo Xin Yu Chapter 4 focuses on the topics “Affairs of the State” and “Reclusion and Disengagement”. The first part of the chapter deals with the different political viewpoints as expressed in Shi Shuo Xin Yu and the Shi Shuo imitations during the Ming-Qing transition. The second part then focuses on the reclusion style displayed in Shi Shuo imitations during the Ming-Qing transition, which is vastly different from that in Shi Shuo Xin Yu. Chapter 5 focuses on the topic “Worthy Beauties”, and discussed on the transformations of the types of women seen in Shi Shuo imitations during Ming-Qing transition, and how it varies differently from the original Shi Shuo Xin Yu. Chapter 6 concludes, with the limitations of these Shi Shuo imitations in fulfilling their writing objectives briefly evaluated.


───:《説儲二集》,載《四庫全書存目叢書》,臺南縣:莊嚴文化, 1995
───:《古今韵史》,載《四庫全書存目叢書》,臺南縣:莊嚴文化, 1995


