  • 學位論文


Research on the Innovation and Development of Microbial Products for Agriculture

指導教授 : 郭瑞祥
共同指導教授 : 陸洛


農業是人類文明發展至今重要的開端,卻在文明發展的歷程中逐漸被忽視,但是因為全球人口增長、全球氣候變遷、新冠疫情、烏俄戰爭與環保運動等事件和意識之下,農業再次被社會大眾與企業關注,也正在經歷前所未有的快速變革。 滾動綠自然科技股份有限公司作為一間2018年成立的農業新創,致力於透過微生物的應用科技將農業變的更有效率與環保,並達成永續農業的發展。透過可負擔、快速、有效的農業用微生物製劑的應用,幫助全世界的農民以更有效率的方式種植,在降低肥料用量的同時增加農作物產量與質量,進而提升收入,達成SDGs中的第一項無貧窮與第二項零飢餓。 農業用微生物製劑是正在蓬勃發展的產業,也是農業邁向永續重要的推動者,許多企業紛紛加入產業,本研究以滾動綠自然科技股份有限公司為例,分析農業新創在產業與發展的過程中的出路,以商業分析的工具從宏觀、中觀到微觀,分析其企業所能創造的價值,並期待成為其他農業新創可以參考的案例。 經過田野調查、訪談與文獻的整理,農業用微生物製劑能有效解決消費者的痛點,企業與消費者在價值主張上也達到適配,且其作用能確實的將農業帶向永續發展的正軌。


Agriculture is an essential beginning of human civilization, but it has been gradually neglected during civilization development. However, due to events and awareness such as global population growth, climate change, the COVID19 pandemic, the war between Ukraine and Russia, and the environmental protection movement, agriculture is again attracting the public's and enterprises' attention. Agriculture is undergoing an unprecedented rapid change. As an agricultural start-up established in 2018, Rolling Greens Co., Ltd. is committed to making agriculture more efficient and environmentally friendly through microbial technology and achieving sustainable agricultural development. Through the application of affordable, efficient, and effective agricultural microbial products, Rolling Greens Co., Ltd helps farmers around the world to grow more efficiently. Rolling Greens Co., Ltd's agricultural microbial products can increase crop yield and quality while reducing fertilizer usage and increasing income. The company wants to achieve the first and second goals of the SDGs. This study uses Rolling Greens Co., Ltd. as an example to analyze the way forward for the industry's agricultural start-ups and their development, setting Rolling Greens Co., Ltd as a reference case for other agrarian start-ups. After field research, interviews, and literature compilation, agricultural microbial products can effectively solve consumers' pain points and that the value proposition of enterprises and consumers can be matched. Microbial products can indeed bring agriculture to the right track of sustainable development.


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