  • 學位論文


Chemical Constituents from the aerial part of Curcuma longa L.

指導教授 : 李水盛


薑黃為薑科 (Zingiberaceae) 薑黃屬 (Curcuma) 植物,藥典紀載其乾燥根莖具有破血行氣,通經止痛的功效,入藥使用已有悠久的歷史。 由於薑黃的根部成分已廣泛被研究,而地上部成分依文獻回顧多為單萜類和倍半萜類成分。故本論文針對薑黃葉部(地上部)進行黃酮類成分研究,利用凝膠管柱層析和逆向管柱層析方式進行分離,共得到12個已知的黃酮類化合物其中包括一個雙氫槲皮素:dihydroquercetin 7-O-β-D-glucoside (1) 藉由圓二色偏光儀確定立體結構;七個槲皮素:quercetin 3-O-α-L-rhamnosyl-(1→2)-[α-L-rhamnosyl- (1→6)]-β-D-galactoside (2)、quercetin 3-O-[α-L-rhamnosyl-(1→2)]-β-D-galactoside (3)、 quercetin 3-O-[α-L- rhamnosyl-(1→6)]-β-D-galactoside (5)、quercetin 3-O-[α-L- rhamnosyl-(1→2)]- α-L-rhamnoside (7)、quercetin 3-O-α-L-rhamnoside (8)、quercetin 3-O-[α-L- rhamnosyl-(1→2)]-β-D-glucuronide (11)和quercetin 3-O-β-D-glucuronide (12);和四個山柰酚:kaempferol 3-O-α-L-rhamnosyl-(1→2)-[α-L-rhamnosyl-(1→6)]- β-D-galactoside (4)、kaempferol 3-O-[α-L-rhamnosyl-(1→2)]-β-D-galactoside (6)、kaempferol 3-O-[α-L-rhamnosyl-(1→2)]-α-L-rhamnoside (9)、kaempferol 3-O- α-L-rhamnoside (10)。大部分化合物結構藉由一維、二維核磁共振譜技術和電灑游離質譜儀之測量而確認其結構。


薑黃 黃酮類


Curcuma longa, family of Zingiberaceae, is a medicinal plant, the rhizome of the plant which is used in traditional Asian medicine to treat gastrointestinal upset, arthritic pain, and "low energy". The rhizome of Curcuma longa has been researched previously. The monoterpenes and sesquiterpenes from the aerial parts of Curcuma longa, which had been reported previously, therefore we focused on flavonoids of aerial parts of the plant. Chromatography of the n-BuOH extracts on Sephadex LH-20 gel filtration and the lobar RP-18, furnished the twelve known flavonoid compounds. The stereochemistry of dihydroquercetin 7-O-β-D-glucoside (1) is determined by circular dichroism (CD);seven quercetin derivatives:quercetin 3-O-α-L-rhamnosyl- (1→2)-[α-L-rhamnosyl-(1→6)]-β-D-galactoside (2), quercetin 3-O-[α-L-rhamnosyl- (1→2)]-β-D-galactoside (3), quercetin 3-O-[α-L-rhamnosyl-(1→6)]-β-D-galactoside (5), quercetin 3-O-[α-L-rhamnosyl-(1→2)]-α-L-rhamnoside (7), quercetin 3-O-α-L- rhamnoside (8), quercetin 3-O-[α-L-rhamnosyl-(1→2)]-β-D-glucuronide (11), and quercetin 3-O-β-D-glucuronide (12);four kaempferol derivatives:kaempferol 3-O-α-L-rhamnosyl-(1→2)-[α-L-rhamnosyl-(1→6)]-β-D-galactoside (4), kaempferol 3-O-[α-L-rhamnosyl-(1→2)]-β-D-galactoside (6), kaempferol 3-O-[α-L-rhamnosyl- (1→2)]-α-L-rhamnoside (9), and kaempferol 3-O-α-L-rhamnoside (10). Most of these compounds are characterized by analysis of 1D and 2D NMR and ESI-MS.


Curcuma longa L. Flavomoid


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