  • 學位論文


Analysis of New Services on Digital Cable Television Platform

指導教授 : 吳政鴻


臺灣有線電視平台雖然已經發展多年,但在數位無線臺完全開播後,台灣進入數位匯流進程,將不同於以往的數位生活將呈現在日常活動,平台商才漸漸的注意到這項未來資料庫將會是獲利的重點,因為依照電信業目前用合約來綁住消費者的使用習慣,平台商可依此方式來進行平台的革命,中華電信MOD是最能進行這項革命的先鋒,因為依照未來電視機規格來說,家中的電視機幾乎是能接上網路連接世界,免費應用程式可外掛廣告的模式、隨選影片付費加上數位電視與這些視窗的互動切換,都是目前正在進行的程式應用,手機與平板電腦可成為電視機的遠端遙控,收視節目與影片都是在影響消費者的行動與思維。 因此,平台商以互動模式發展數位平台,將會有眾多商機產生在家中這臺電視機,如居家安全監控照護、網路購物、物流服務、金流服務、消費行為分析、社區服務訊息、老人健康照護等。這是橫跨各產業集中成為一個平台衍生出的營利系統,消費者的行為改變有可能因此產生變化,除日常透過智慧型手機及平板購物消費,平台商可因此發展出自己的經濟商圈,並可以依照政府法規從事服務,以臺灣為例,目前有線平台商受保護的色彩濃厚,如有願意從事改革,依照服務系統收費將是平台商豐厚的收入,消費者也能透過這方便的服務改變其消費行為。 這是依照研究方法來分析行為的論述,或許不成立,但也可為整合平台盡一份心力,讓有心創造雙贏的業主能有思考的方向,使消費者依賴的越深的時候,商機將會一一浮現,不用再為那傳統代工思維的模式愁嘆未來在哪裡,消費者不再因商品的訂價傷透腦筋要不要比價及訂購,最可能發生的事是收視調查將可打破私人機構操作,公信力將更具可信度。


When the full digital TV board-cast has been set on 2012, it terminated Taiwan's analog TV which has been developed for many years. This new policy of digitize will change habits of people watching TV program. The interactive TV show or TV shopping from digital cable platform providers could be created rich income and helpful services from e-commerce or T-Commerce. Chunghwa Telecom’s MOD is the most capable of pioneer revolution to create these advances new digital age. Because of the future television in accordance with specifications the home of the TV can be connected to network in the world. These free applications can plug advertising model, on-demand pay movies plus interactive digital television and switch these windows are ongoing program applications. The mobile phones and tablet computers could become a TV remote control. Viewing program and videos are affecting consumers' actions and thinking. Therefore, the development of a digital platform providers make interactive mode will have many opportunities to apply action on TV at home, such as home security, online shopping, logistics services, payment services, consumer behavior analysis, community service messages, elderly health care ...., and so on. The provider which is concentrated across various industries as a platform derived from the money system. There may be changes in consumer behavior resulting change. In addition, the daily shopping via smartphones and tablet to platform providers can therefore develop their own economic district in accordance with government regulations and can engage in service to Taiwan. For example, the current TV cable laws protected platform providers. If these providers have a willing to engage in reforms with the service system charges will be substantial income, those consumers can change their consumption behavior through this convenient service. This research’s methods is based on analyze the behavior discussed and perhaps not totally truth, but it can also make a contribution to the integration of the decision makers of platform providers. The owners could have determined the direction of creating a win-win thinking, so that when consumers rely on the deeper and the opportunities will more emerges. The bland new thinking could improve traditional business model for current OEM thinking. The enterprise leaders are no longer a headache due to the pricing of goods and ordered not to parity.


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