  • 學位論文


A Re-examination of Objectives and Intentions of Shin kishinron by Hirata Atsutane

指導教授 : 辻本雅史


國學四大人之一,於幕末創立了平田國學的平田篤胤(1776-1843)完成了獨自的神學論述並創立了復古神道。而在平田篤胤完成於1805年的初期作《新鬼神論》中,平田篤胤大量援引中日古典以「實證」鬼神的存在。駁倒儒家由等差之禮所生之祭祀論的同時,平田篤胤也在《新鬼神論》中論述了神靈與人類的關係,並再度強調由庶民自行進行祭祀的重要性與必要性。   但以一冊靈魂論而言,《新鬼神論》所進行的問題處理並不完備:在靈魂論與祭祀論這個議題上,《新鬼神論》並未對掌握近世這個時代的發語權者──也就是佛教,給出足夠的論述。本論文將自《新鬼神論》起,沿時代檢討平田篤胤的《出定笑語》與《靈能真柱》,並檢視篤胤靈魂論漸臻完備的過程。在尋求救贖的方法論上,篤胤由於尊崇皇國與古傳,而被視為國粹主義的始祖;本論文希望透過其初期作品與集大成作的脈絡檢討,來重新檢視篤胤思想中宗教的側面。


平田篤胤 《新鬼神論》 祭祀 靈魂 宗教


Hirata Atsutane(1776-1843)is one of the four great scholars of Japanese kokugaku studies. He is known by being the founder of Hirata kokugaku, which thrived in late Tokugawa period. He established his ownunique theories in Shinto religion, and founded a sect called Hirata Shinto. Shin kishinron is one of his early works. In this book, Hirata Atsutane cited Chinese and Japanese classical literal materials in wide ranges, proofed the existence of spirits, argued against the Confucian rituals in veneration of spirits, explained the connections between spirit and human, and finally concluded why it is important and necessary for commoners to hold their own rituals in veneration of spirits However, there have been only few prior studies brought up the connections between Shin kishinron and Buddhism, which was the dominant religion throughout the whole Tokugawa period. In this article, I used literal materials including Shin kishinron, Shutsujoshogo, Tama no mihashira, and KinshinShinron, which is a renewal version of Shin kishinronto trace the development progress of Hirata Atsutane’s theories in spirits and religious rituals. Hirata Atsutane is deemed the first advocator of Nationalism since he proposed to seek final salvations in Japanese Empire and classical literal materials.  Through analyzing his early works, my intention is to re-examine the religious side in Hirata Atsutane’s theories.


田原嗣郎、関晃ら『日本思想大系50 平田篤胤 伴信友 大國隆正』岩波書店、1973
